Friday, October 6, 2023

 From: jeff bennett <>

Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 9:17 AM
To: Adam D. Lamontagne <>; Currie, Michael <>; Toth, Timothy <>; Griffis, Terry <>; Rivard, Matthew <>; Richard, Julie <>
Subject: fire chief employment contract
Good day, I am requesting a copy of the current employment agreement between the town of Templeton and it's fire chief under the Ma public records law.
From: Adam D. Lamontagne <>
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 9:57 AM
To: jeff bennett <>; Currie, Michael <>; Toth, Timothy <>; Griffis, Terry <>; Rivard, Matthew <>; Richard, Julie <>
Subject: RE: fire chief employment contract
There is no current contract.
Adam D. Lamontagne, MPA, MCPPO

When are the selectmen going to sell this thing? Get it off town books!
from town admin report - Several crew members had to work at the former Baldwinville Elementary boarding windows,
etc. due to vandals.
Buildings and Grounds: Aerating was done at Greenlawn Cemetery, Gilman Waite, and Baldwinville Center. Finished the shrubs at Pine Grove Cemetery. Overseeded Greenlawn Cemetery. Emptied the trash at Gilman Waite.
Worked with Highway securing the former Baldwinville Elementary and pumped out basement.
The former Baldwinville Elementary School was broken into the end of last week.
Significant damage was done, this is currently under investigation with the Templeton Department of Public Services and Templeton Police Department.

Back in May of 2023, town meeting appropriated money for various things, one of them being animal control. The animal control agreement expired June 30, 2023 and the town administrator is still talking about renewing it in the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year 24. Yeah, he should get a bonus - NOT.
Weekly: Final adjustments to the draft warrant that will be going in front of the Select Board for approval at the October 11th meeting. Met with the Winchendon Interim Town Manager, Animal
Control Officers, representatives from the Templeton & Winchendon Police Department to tour the former Ahimsa Haven location to discuss future use. The Town is working to finalize the
Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) with Winchendon for animal control services and I will be attending a meeting next week with the Winchendon Interim Town Manager. Conducted
evaluations for non-union personnel. Holly attended a procurement training through the MA Inspector General’s office. Prepared the Select Board packet for the October 11th meeting.

1 comment:

  1. I read the weekly report and was just shaking my head. Our Town administrator going on about his meeting with Winchendon TA, police, etc working on a contract when the old one has been EXPIRED since June 30,2023...............

    Ask yourself how we are using the services still? How are they being paid? We haven't had a contract for 4 months of the year so far, but will we pay for the services anyway? At what rate?
    This is not even the first lapse of this contract during our Town Administrators tenure. It's the second time this very contract was left to expire.

    We have no Fire Chief under contract.

    BES was supposed to be completed and fully leased by 9/15/23 when it was proposed to the Town. The building sale was to be completed by 11/17/21.

    Best I can figure looking at the old proposal is we are about 9-12 months into the 3 year project after more than 3 years of time .
    Thats right, I'm saying this project is less than 30% into it list of items after 3 years.

    We've carried this building 2 years longer than proposed already. We've knocked the price down from $500,000 to $400,000 and spent roughly $7500 each year winterizing and keeping safe. We've promised , what, $1.5-1.75 million from cpa. Now it's being vandalized ( at a point we should not own it) and its going to cost us more and the sale is not happening before winter...........TA wants more money to maintain and nothing says this project wont fall apart because financing seems to be an issue...........

    If they walk away. what is the plan? This is Templeton, falling thru is more likely than happening as history proves,.......We've spent $30-50,000 maintaining the building since 2018 we demo it.........$$$$$$ or do we try again and continue the saga..........
