Sunday, July 29, 2018

By Mina Corpuz,
Updated:   07/28/2018 12:32:48 PM EDT

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   FITCHBURG -- The city will receive nearly $500,000 in federal funding to buy a new fire pumper truck. "The new pumper truck will continue to enable our Fire Department to further strengthen our commitment to providing the most proficient and state of the art fire protection to the residents of Fitchburg," said Mayor Stephen DiNatale in a statement Friday. The money will be used to replace Engine 2 at Fitchburg's Oak Hill fire station, he said. Lowell will also receive about $920,000 in federal funding to buy protective gear, firefighter breathing apparatus and an air compressor with a refill system. "Every year, we are discovering more and more the dangers that firefighters face not only in fighting fires, but throughout the course of their duties," said Lowell Mayor William Samaras in the statement. The grants are through the Assistance to Firefighter Grant program through the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Together Fitchburg and Lowell received more than $1.4 million from the grant. U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas, who represents the 3rd District, said given local and state budget constraints, grant money can help maintain public safety and provide resources to first responders. "Our volunteer and career firefighters sacrifice a great deal to protect our communities," she said in a statement, "and it is our duty to provide them with equipment, staffing and training they need to keep their departments running safely and efficiently."

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Where is Templeton regarding these grant funds and process? Same thing could happen with highway department through state surplus.


  1. our part-time TA/ DPW director/ future sewer dept supt. could be writing grants

    1. It is so much easier to sit back and spend money that is not all theirs ! No, it it's our money ! After the rant Cameron went on that did get a lot of attention, nothing has changed ! It is back to business as usual ! Sad, but true !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How long has it been since we applied and received a cdbg grant?

  4. BOBM I find this sad, just sad. You of all people and others on this informational hot spot should know that answer .... I mean the admin of this page is on the advisory/finance /committee/board ( as were you until just very recently - till you quit) You were on the Capital Planning Committee as well ... This is information that should be known by you and others and is easily found by just looking at the information available to you and others not only as members of boards/committees but as a citizen. #BOBMdontknow

    1. Just to point out facts, I did not quit. I did not seek reappointment as my term ended. Facts matter, but you rather throw out unfounded statements.

      If its so easy to find, why didn't you just answer my question or post the link. I guess we know your intentions.

  5. HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS! I’m sure MILLIONS in the past 15 years — I mean really ! The same people who cry about taxes —- looking for other people in the state and country for Help for Templeton ... how irionic.

    1. Again, these are tax dollars already collected. Is it your intention that its better for Templeton to contribute in paying these taxes, but not receiving any of the benefits?

      How interesting that you feel Templeton should not participate in grant applications and get use of money we pay towards the state. More giving money away..........are you sure your not on the BOS?

    2. That’s not what I said BOBM. As per your usual twisting of logic to support your argument(s). I wrote that you and your comrades here on this blog of inspiration are constantly complaining about paying taxes. Your penny’s on the dollar BOB M come back to you thru the FEDERAL GOVT multiplied thousands of times over by others like say me and people in say idk Oregon, Iowa, NewMexico and by CORP that should be paying more as to elevate the burden on the individual. Irionically thr majority of money by Templeton looks to be for the SEWER/WATER depts —- which of course was needed in the 1st place to support a TOXIC CANCER INDUCING PAPERMILL INDUSTRY THAT WELL , We know how that turned out.

    3. No, read what you wrote. Whose rewriting? This is what you said, period.

      "The same people who cry about taxes —- looking for other people in the state and country for Help for Templeton ... how irionic."

      Maybe you should look in the mirror, or is it to scary?

    4. Since I wrote it .... let me say again what I mean ... slowly ...
      “ The dame people [ that’s you BOBM sans your comrades ] who cry about taxes for other people in the state and country [ self explanatory... maybe not ] are now looking for HELP for Templeton [ yes, you hate paying the taxes I get think that BOBM who does] However, BOBM without them in a progressive taxation done fairly and appropriately to the needs .... things like the CDBG and other grants or loans can be made that otherwise a town or city or state would not or could not even attempt to financially achieve
      I’m sure BOB M you feel you pay too much now in state tax let alone federal. Maybe Tdump will lower the CDGB funding as was floated out this year by his administration.

    5. You seem seriously confused. I have no qualm with paying taxes. I do have an issue with paying for waste, mismanagement,foolishness promoted by self interests.

      So, how does anything you said relate to my statement of

      "Again, these are tax dollars already collected. Is it your intention that its better for Templeton to contribute in paying these taxes, but not receiving any of the benefits?

      How interesting that you feel Templeton should not participate in grant applications and get use of money we pay towards the state. More giving money away..........are you sure your not on the BOS?"

      Again, you seem to think its good to pay these taxes but not benefit from them, sounds foolish and very BOSish!

      Maybe someday the BOS will be trustworthy. I'm glad you again rant about nothing, offer not solutions, just play the personality game. Seriously, call Diane she loves the personality stuff.

  6. justsmartnuff, actually the grants are tax dollars, some of which come from Templeton; a grant is just another way to use tax dollars - already paid by the taxpayers, rather than imposing more taxes, as in loan payments. It is smart! Selectmen have contacted COG in regards to applying for another CDBG for the upcoming year, would really have to find and watch the meeting again. Last applied for but not received was one that was intended for use in the East Templeton area, at least there was a survey sent out, but I believe the return results were not good. Point being, with all of these grants available, Templeton should be going after all of them every year. Templeton recently bought two used stainless sander boxes, when the state (MA DOT surpluses them all the time. Town has to get into the system to be able to access these things and not spend more tax dollars on things that are available in other ways. You could enlighten everyone justsmartnuff with your vast knowledge of what is. Just sayin'.

  7. Google - CDBG that’s all there is to it Jeff ... If you need more than that contact the advisory:finance committee/board as since they are “ the watchdogs of the community” the older wiser stewards should be well entrenched in the policy.

  8. What is the telephone number for advisory committee?

  9. Check your settings on your smart phone - open contacts - scroll to your contact #

  10. I do not have any contact settings in my phone, should I try the switch board?

    1. If this town has half of the money it has missed away on bad deals, poor management, over the past 40 years we would be in great shape. Who is to blame ? That can be spread around. This town spent over $300k on audits ! Now why was that ? People I positions of authority that did not do their job ! Our last accountant did not do her job,,,,for years ! She would be still sitting there if the audit company did not put their foot down. Who on our BOS allowed this to go on ? Other towns do not want anything to do with Templeton, because she did not pay our bills ! We hire people who are not honest ! Sad but true ! We elect people who are easily led and don't take the time to understand What they are doing has been done over and over again. With bad results ! We have I certified person on our finance team, and it happens to be the Assessor.. You can throw as much money at people and hire as many as you want, but if they are not qualified you get our government as it has been and still is.

    2. After Bob. Markle left our TA told myself and Mrs. Farrell the budget was unsustainable for the next year. Was any change made to improve the conditions in our Town Government ? No, the move was made to fire the Fire Chief. That freed up some $$. The highway was decimated, and soon Bud got the boot. We all know the rest of the story. Not having a bond rating is going to hurt us in the long run. The M. F.O.B. told us we had too much debt ! In a few short years we built a water tower, put in a pump station, on yes, we are building a school, none of which went to the Capital Planning Committee ! Reading the Gardner News, I see how towns a round us are cashing in on grants for the things we need. So much for having your government working for who ?
