Monday, July 30, 2018

Annual Town Meeting - May 2, 1994

article 48:
To see if the Town will vote to adopt the provisions Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F 1/2, to establish a Sewer Department Enterprise Fund beginning with Fiscal Year 1996, or to take any other action relative thereto.

On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to adopt the provisions Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F 1/2, to establish a Sewer Enterprise Fund beginning with Fiscal Year 1996.
Annual Town Meeting - May 14, 1996
Article 46:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of money to operate the Sewer Department; or to take any other action thereto.
On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted that the following sums be appropriated to the Sewer Enterprise Fund to be expended under the direction of the Sewer Commissioners:
(Note; the SEWER COMMISSIONERS, NOT the Town Coordinator or Town Administrator and NOT the board of Selectmen)
. . . . and that $182,508.49 be raised as follows: $120,000.00 be raised from Sewer receipts and $62,508.49 be raised from taxation.
So, I wonder if the selectmen and T/A still  think that Sewer Commissioners only have a say so on policy with regards to Sewer Department?


  1. It seems like the Sewer Commissioners should have the final say over their hours, staff in general, and how their money is spent ! Seems to me our "Superior Leaders" cannot stop spending our money ! Spending money with no explanation of why, or what for, has escaped their consciousness. If our TA asks for another $10, that is not ten bucks ! It is the thousand, or he asks for $5, that is five thousand ! Not one person with the job of watching out for our tax dollars asked one question ? What is up with that ? If you don't believe me watch last week's meeting. Where was Selectman Cortez ? Following the leader, as usual !

    1. Gee, I am sorry, this Kindle changes your name. I am sure most people got it .
