Saturday, July 8, 2017

Robert May responds correctly, this same tactic was used against me by a group who got hold of my court record and posted it in places such as the American Legion. I did exactly what Mr. May did, I explained about it, explained what I had done since and that was that. Part of the anonymous posting states "special municipal employees aren't entitled to the labor rights that actual municipal employees are." Perhaps anonymous is a municipal employee, who knows and who cares, they are just that, employees, same as people who work at McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts or Walmart or any other place of employment.

The only way to really know what is what is to contact MCAD and see if there is a case to be made, which I intend to do.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. All this personal stuff about the Board of Selectman and the Advisory Board needs to stop being posted on blogs and Facebook and anywhere else like you are all in high school and you need to start taking care of this town. The people of this town have had it with all this petty "he said she said" "she did he did" bullshit. This is not only directed at you Jeff this is directed at both boards. I have been living in town for 5 years now and my husband grew up here. We are in our 50's and this is some craze stuff I have seen watching the meeting online and reading on the blogs. I am sickened by all of it and now that my mother-in-law who was a life long resident of Baldwinville (93 yrs old) recently passed away and we inherited her house officially I want this town fixed and I want to help so please let me know how I can help.

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The best way to help is to become informed on local issues, attend town meeting, vote and hold the selectmen accountable for Templeton's financial mess.

  3. 14 Openings on Boards and Committee listed on Town website.

  4. Thank you I will check out the openings and see if I can help. I have been watching the meetings of both boards and have just started to look at all the financial things that I can so I can be well informed before I make comments about financial issues. I just do like the name calling and bring people's personal business into all this it is uncalled for and does not help anything.

  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I agree with Kimber. You ALL, both boards, are really acting reduculous. The needs and issues of Templeton are not being put FIRST! But, rather these stupid blogs and what people are posting are coming before the rest of town. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I would like nothing more than to see the entire advisory board resign, especially Bev and Julie. Most all of this garbage really stems from the advisory board. Be honest with yourselves! You people really like to get in the way of the selectmen at least trying to do their jobs. It makes it really hard for them to work for the town when they are constantly being harassed by the advisory board. Please get a grip on reality and do what the advisory board is supposed to do.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Harrassed, lol really!

      I think you mean the advisory board makes it hard for the selectman to just do and spend as they damn well please. Thank you advisory board for looking out for the towns finances

    2. Anon 6:03.
      I won't be resigning.

      The "garbage" as you say, is about following policies and procedures.

      In the DOR letter from MJ Handy, the lack of following policies and procedures; the lack of audits; the lack of leadership and accountability is why Templeton is at this juncture.

      In the "Other" blog there is a post Full Circle - AGAIN!

      In my opinion, The Templeton BoS need to demonstrate they can follow policies and procedures- including the Open Meeting Law, before they go about creating more policies and procedures they aren't going to follow.

      If the BoS can reliably demonstrate they can follow their own policies and procedures, then their credibility will begin to be restored.

      "What's past is prologue"
      William Shakespeare

  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Selectmen issue a list of people to be sworn in before meeting to discuss the matter. Definite proof that matters are privately decided. But these bozos accuse people discussing town issues in the open of open meeting violation.

    This is why Massachusetts is ranked near the bottom for openness in government. The open meeting regulations are a joke.

  7. Anonymous6:43 PM

    These are the same people who rule on open meeting and public records issues:

  8. Anonymous10:14 PM

    But the problem is that the advisory board d isn't looking out for the towns finances. Have you read the paper lately? It's so sad the priority is that of a blog post! Again, the advisory board needs to know their place and seriously put the needs of the town first and not their own petty childish agendas first.

  9. Anonymous6:11 AM

    The BoS is clueless about the budget. They sold an out of balance budget to Town Meeting. That budget will be further out of balance by STM this fall. Everything is not fine. But what the heck, it's only tax money!

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Wasn't it something about an out of balance budget for 100k to be corrected at the fall town meeting. Maybe the financial wizards committee can explain it or perhaps they can just tell you there is a problem without looking at the evidence, solution, or anything other the stocking their fingers in their ears crying wolf for attention. It's no wonder the Board of Selectmen don't give you the things you want.. you guys find the problem and ignore the fix just like that guy said about the fire bombing bobby. I read the court documents and it's clear Bob was appointed of arson of his house and he sued his insurance company after he provided false information to commit fraud. Surely the man didn't do anything wrong when he went to a max prison for 3 years after a trial by jury.. give me a break. Fits right into the advisory committee as a spin doctor. Lying, troubling making, town fools.

  10. Annon 10:14,

    The BOS is making the BLOG the issue, not the Advisory Board. The BOS is acting like a bunch of immature bullies throwing out personal attacks to deflect attention from their inability to follow guidelines. Thats why the DOR/DLS came to town. The BOS is who overspent taxpayers money, who spent more than the Town Meeting approved. This in combination with who they put in place as TA created the entire financial mess we now see ourselves in. Bob Markel refused help from the DOR/DLS.
    If you feel following Procedures is a "petty childish agenda" just maybe you to could be on the BOS.
    Did the BOS or Advisory Board spend meeting times talking about blogs? Which group complains about the blogs constantly? Sounds to me like you've been getting bad info.

    Review some facts. When "Selectman Fortes" signs his posts "Your Selectman Cameron Fortes" he is acting as an individual according the the BOS response to the OML complaint.(read MRS Farrell post on other blog) This even after he enlists the aid of the entire Board to assist him in filing a complaint taking 2 meetings to do so.( did the Advisory Committee waste meeting time with this, no?) Then according to the BOS and the Gardner News when an individual blogger Bob M or Julie Farrell file OML complaints they are acting as the Advisory Board.

    This is a political game being played by the BOS at taxpayers expense. Why are they so afraid of the blog? Look at the personal attacks by Selectman Fortes, they keep escalating. Do you support this behavior because your post seems to suggest you do.Selectman Fortes and other board members are being called out for actions they do as Town Selectman yet the responses are all personal attacks on the filer, why?
    People in Templeton want the government to function. It cannot function when our leaders dont follow guidelines set by the taxpayers. Who other than the Advisory Board and the State are pointing this out and demanding a change?

  11. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Anon 12:20 - sorry, I don't understand your disconnected rant. Try putting down the pot pipe for a few hours and try again later.

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Anon 12:20 - sorry, I don't understand your disconnected rant. Try putting down the pot pipe for a few hours and try again later.

    Sound like ANONS need naps
