Monday, February 24, 2025

 This week, Thursday Advisory Committee meeting agenda item:

6. New Business:
a) Discussion and possible recommendation regarding a possible prop 2.5 override for town and school budget for FY2026.

1 comment:

  1. Let them answer this question ! Where on earth do these people think this override money is going to come from ? The elderly live on a fixed income. New family's in town have mortgages to pay, car payments and kids to feed. What can these people live without ? In May we passed a budget. Why can't our Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator follow the budget we passed ? Apparently there is no impulse control. This is an ongoing problem in this community, and I am pretty sick of it. I have gotten nothing extra for this extra spending. I hope someone did. All I know is we have three bridges in town and no money to fix them. There is no long-term planning of any kind. What happened to the "we have plenty of money" that I heard more than once from Mr. Currie ? In reality, he had no idea what kind of a mess we were in. Big changes have to happen! If they don't nothing will change and we will stay on track to be broke every five to six years. My sympathy go to our Town workers who do not deserve getting laid off because of poor management.
