Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 Looking at finance information from MA division local service (DLS) in fiscal year 2024, Templeton spent 43.80% of it's general fund (GF) budget on education, followed by 15.64% on unclassified, 12.94% on public safety. 11.06% on GF debt service, 8.18% on general government, 6.59% on public works and 1.80% on other.

FY2025, GF revenue was 64.80% tax levy (real estate and personal property tax) 16.29% local receipts (vehicle excise tax and fees to town) 9.62% other and 9.29% state aid.
From this, majority of money to run town comes from real estate taxes and most of that goes to operate the school district. Low on the totem pole is fixing, maintaining and building new sidewalks, etc. Funny how that works, the one thing that everyone and everything moves on, the roads, get little funding. Look at capital improvement plan/recommendations, alot of trucks, tractors, etc., not much of anything for roads, bridges sidewalks, storm drainage, etc. Anything on cross walk signage lights, etc.?


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Look at all the rural mailboxes, mounted on heavy bases, placed in the middle of Baldwinville Road. It would seem as if they block the sidewalk. Why rural route mailboxes and not require delivery at the door? It's a village district. Otherwise, why even have side walks?

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Mounted in the middle of the sidewalks along Baldwinville Road... with 2 schools and resultant use by students....

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Id bet those mailboxes are in direct violation of ADA requirements for sidewalk accessibility
      So is much of Templeton period...........Great job ADA coordintor!

  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Would someone care to answer thisi question for me?

    Our appproved fy24 budget based on the fy 24 budget book ws $19,085,823 but our listed revenue by source on dls shows $20,168.099 for differnce of $1,082,276.
    Now according to DLS we spent $19,067,369.

    Using those number , how come our free cash was only $868,008

    From looking at the Certified free cash it appears that we had to pay $212,926 due to our Administration spending into deficit which I see s spending more than approved!

    $19,067,369 plus $212,926 = 19,280,295 which is more thn our approved fy 24 budget!

    1. You just can't make this stuff up ! I am not a bit surprised. 🤔

    2. Anonymous6:26 AM

      New math or possible incompetence?
