Thursday, October 10, 2024

 I am going to try and find some stuff from days gone by that should clarify. why I feel the way I do about lawyers and responses to residents.

Many years ago, I asked Templeton BOS for resume of conservation commission agent, I got a 2-page letter from town lawyer telling me how I could not have it even as secretary of state told me it was public record. I replied to letter and got a second one from lawyer.
I did some looking and found the same employee was employed in same position in another town, Winchendon, as a part time con com agent with same town lawyer, I asked them for resume and got it in 2 minutes. I went to Templeton bos meeting and asked why I could get the resume from one town but not Templeton? I got a line of bs, in my opinion and I have never forgotten that. That my is why I have the attitude I have concerning board responding to residents by way of lawyers. They deserve answers and help, not legal opinions. Most, if not all of their questions are easy and simple to answer and the only reason, they turn into long going issues and complaints, is because, in my opinion, they do not feel the people they elect for them are looking out for them. If a resident is wrong, I will tell them so, when they are seeking help, I will try to help them, ask the people on Laurel View Road or the people on Stephen's Way. end of story.


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Jeff, that's all any of us want. I've had this discussion more than once. If town committees, Boards and commissions just followed the written policies, procedures and Bylaws they would never hear from Me again.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I agree, but even more important than that if our elected officials would follow the "suggestions" the DOR give us at the end of every year, many of out on going problems would be solved long ago. I do believe we were told to change our Town Council. Did we do that ? Oh no ! For you people newer to following Town Government, this guy does not work for you and I. We pay him, but he works for the Selectmen, or so I have been told. We were given many "suggestions" that are mostly ignored. Your government working for you.

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Bev. Bart, the above is mine.

  3. Anonymous3:43 PM

    One recommendation was to stop appointing selectman to other committees and commission.

    I wonder what the DOR Would think about the Town of Templeton Incorperateds Selectboard Chairman being a Director of Economic Developement Industrial Corperation that isn't even certified, has no funding, no budget, but coming less the two Corperations finances, employees.

    Another Templeton self imposed financial hole in the making.....

    Enjoy RTM

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    One real important question I want everyone to ask themselves is, "why does Jeff have to do the job our Town Administrator and the BOS chairman, should be doing ? Jeff brought up the fact the the Town By laws say a person on the Advisory Committee is not allowed to be on a committee like the Parks and Recreation Committee." How did this motion get on the agenda ? Apparently, the Chairman of the BOS and the Town Administrator are responsible for creating the agenda. Our bylaws are not suggestions. They are laws, voted on at a Town Meeting by the citizens of our community. The majority of our problems including financial problems are because our bylaws are ignored. This is a serious problem that can no longer be ignored. Thank you Jeff.

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Good points, Anon 10:40.
