Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Montachusett Regional Transit Authority or MART. You know what MART does?

Council-On-Aging (COA) Transportation ‘MART’ provides Council-On-Aging transportation services throughout our ‘MART’ member communities for elderly. That is correct, in Templeton, MART provides reimbursement to the town for MART van drivers, dispatch etc. MART does not pay the salary of a Senior Service Director.
You know what old wiring at Library has to do with highway dept. getting additional trucks/ Absolutely nothing, in fact, there are ARPA funds for 2 highway trucks at $194,000.00 each. Library wiring and highway trucks in same sentence, not hardly. In fact, if anyone talking about those subjects took the time to look, July 2024 finance report shows there is Library gift expense of $260,000.00 sitting there. Any "guard rails" on gift would need to be checked, but, that is potential money for library improvements. Two different funding sources so why would anyone try to mix the two. That would indicate they have no clue on what they might be talking about.
Templeton Senior Center is not underutilized, it is underfunded!


  1. Anonymous3:50 AM

    But Mr Caplis said so and Julie backed him's at around 1:35 or so into September 5 Advisory meeting. Recorded by TCTV,

  2. Yeah, well, The Senior Center is not a catch all space for other town entities, it is for senior services! Seniors care and Seniors vote, it might be wise not to get us riled up!

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I've never seen former or present Selectboard members work so hard ( John caplis, Julie Richard, Matt rivard) on any Town project as they have to get taxpayer space for a private organization accused of molesting 90,000 plus children and subject to $2.9 billion in judgement
    Mr Rivard talking about Scout Hall and tctv abuse of it, while He's acting as Selectman promoting a group he just signedhis kids up to seems sketchy, and he's doing it again on Sept, 25, 2024.
    Ethics is not strong with this group!

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Mr caplis going around making statements like 4 new officers needs for police and 3 more for fire/ Ambulance is based on what?

    I believe both of those needs are unwarranted and are the result of poor management of services, expenses!

  5. Just because someone has an audience, does not make it acceptable to say anything that comes into your head to further a cause you, as a private citizen have an interest in. A member of a Committee like the Advisory Committee should stick to facts. Not be a place for anyone to further their private cause. Do your job ! First figure out what that job is, or resign ! The citizens of this Town need and deserve better. Bev. Bartolomeo.

  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    How is the Senior Center deeded for intended use? The sign reads Senior community center as you pull into the driveway?

  7. Anonymous2:10 PM

    OK, so, looking at bva from 6/30/24

    Acct 2538-000-000-54-5420-0000 library gift expenses shows balance of $260,323,54

    Acct 2811-000-00-54-5420-0000 Library Grant expense it shows a balance of $131,473,44

    The reason I see them trying to mix is they are trying to sell a story, be political just like some did to get $200,000 for a different building in town whose end use hadn't even been determined and is still being argued about due to lack of honest selectman.

    Doesn't seem to me as insufficient funds to make some upgrades.

  8. Anonymous7:15 AM

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  9. The food pantry does serve the entire Templeton community.

  10. There is the school age community, the middle-aged community and there is the Senior community, it is intended for and has always been aimed for seniors and senior services, period. Perhaps individuals should attend a meeting of council on aging and see what they have to say.

  11. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Where can the deed be found and when the town accepted the intended use of this facility?
