Friday, May 3, 2024

 If administration cannot produce and honest and true funded budget, residents should be aware of what is called an underride.

What is an Underride?
Proposition 21 ⁄2 allows a community to reduce its levy limit by passing an underride. When an underride is passed, the levy limit for the year is calculated by subtracting the amount of the underride. The underride results in a permanent decrease in the levy limit of a community because it reduces the base upon which levy limits are calculated for future years. A majority vote of a community’s selectmen, or town or city council (with the mayor’s approval if required by law) allows an underride question to be placed on the ballot. An underride question may also be placed on the ballot by the people using a local initiative procedure, if one is provided by law. Underride questions must state a dollar amount and require a majority vote of approval by the electorate.
An example of how it works:
UXBRIDGE - Selectman Michael R. Potaski says the seeds of rebellion against taxes are beginning to sprout in town.
Despite Uxbridge's $1.2 million structural deficit for fiscal 2009, a group of citizens in town wants to send a message to town and school officials.
"Uxbridge voters are loudly proclaiming their displeasure with the direction of the Town's finances and are taking matters into their own hands," Mr. Potaski said in a news release. "A citizens' initiative petition has placed an article on the warrant of the May 13th town meeting calling for a $1.2 million reduction in real estate and personal property taxes."
The town's general fund decline, dependence on free cash, and slower projected revenue growth this fiscal year and in the next fiscal year recently caused Moody's Investors Service to assign a negative outlook to Uxbridge's current rating and bond sale.
Mr. Potaski, who is also the president of the Uxbridge Taxpayers Association, said a growing number of people in town want to lower the tax rate and curtail spending, especially spending the town's reserves. Their citizens' petition asks voters to consider a $1.2 million underride at the upcoming town meeting.
"We're fed up with taxes," Mr. Potaski said. "And we're taking the initiative to push back."
Proposition 2-1/2 allows a community to reduce its levy limit by passing an underride, according to the state Department of Revenue. The annual town meeting is May 13, and the $1.2 million article would require a simple majority to pass. From there, it would need to be acted on in an election.


  1. I was thinking a bit after last nights meeting and how everything went.

    I'm so tired of the Selectman's Office putting the school and town at odds. We pay Selectman, Administrators, Superintendents and Business managers yet we get this mess of a warrant that states in so many or school with no option for both, but we can choose neither.
    Neither the Town nor the District have done their jobs in presenting a working budget to the taxpayers!
    Maybe we need to adjust the budgets and place the Selectboards $393,997 and maybe just the $425,000 or so we pay the superintendent, assistant superintendent and business manager.

    Since they didn't do their job, keep talking about having meetings but I see no proof based on results........

    I'm just pointing out that our administration has punted the ball to you as a choice between the school funding and the town funding, but we can adjust it in another manner at Town Meeting if I'm not mistaken.

    Rather than school vs town I'd rather see Admin vs school. Maybe Administration vs administration for the funding. How about school vs Fire. All sounds silly right?

    This is what the town administration has decided you get. All approved by the present Selectboard.

  2. What I find the most troubling is at pretown meeting, is selectman Currie talking round and round about all these "chair" meetings held with school since last spring and this is what we get, use 1/3 of general stabilization funds to kick can down road another year. So there is a mechanism to cover the expense but if the selectmen and town administrator failed to come up with more options other than wish it goes away or use stabilization funds, kind of hard to trust next years outcome will be any different.

    1. Personally I see a financial nightmare coming.

      This budget is already a joke, but lets say the roughly $670,000 expense with no identified revenue source is covered by Stabilization leaving roughly $1,000,000 in Stabilization. Now, how much free cash will be available.

      The Administration has spent an average of 8.4% of the budget on a monthly bases thru the the first 9 months of FY24. At this rate no free cash will be available capable of buying more than a shovel. 8.4 x 12= 100.8

      Mike being the finance guy overseeing Adam has given us " Efficiencies of Execution" He's killed a decent budget in really short order...........

      Do we now use stabilization top buy capital items? How do we maintain employees?

      I'm going to bet that we start leasing everything like the fire equipment we've leased and aren't leasing or delayed purchase due to funding (Ambulance, Tanker payment not in budget)

  3. Under the Templeton EDIC member listing is Mike Currie- finance representative. Odd, he is also shown as chairman of board of selectmen, the ones who produce a budget that does not compute and does not have very good options for town paying school assessment. Economic development, I see a disaster in the making.

  4. Lets all make sure to watch the Assessments on local Commercial Property this year and see how much they increase. Remember they have not been adjusted in past 5 years.
    I personally feel this to be a poor method of Assessing as it leaves taxes uncollected.

    EDIC, personally I'd rather be a quality bedroom community then have more industry ( in Templeton means junk cars, sand mining, trash)

  5. Our fake EDIC is still going strong without any authority what so ever.............are they EDIC, EDICC or a incoherent group of individuals all looking for money from EDIC for their projects........

    Totally improper from start to now but they plan to keep rolling along just as improper as ever.........

    Town: Templeton, MA
    Board: Economic Development Industrial Corporation Committee
    Time: Monday May 06, 2024 6:00 PM EDT
    Location: Town Hall
    160 Patriots Rd., East Templeton, MA 01438
    Conference Room
    Print Agenda
    Pledge of Allegiance

    1. Review minutes of March 11, 2024
    2. MRPC discussion on draft Economic Development Plan by Karen Chapman (including final quote, plan of action, and possible implementation schedule).
    3. Digital Signage discussion
    4. Budget discussion
    5. Marketing discussion
    6. Next meeting July 1, 2024
    7. Adjournment

  6. The EDICC is about to spend money that they do not control. Is this Mike's financial genius?

    From the March 6, 2023 EDICC meeting.
    5. $200,000 State allocation of funds for economic development by the Commonwealth of MA - Subsequent allocation of entire fund to EDIC for economic development purposes and accounting of funds, henceforth - thank you letter to state representative and senator with a brief status report.

    So the Selectboard turned over funds ($200k) to an entity that is not in existence (EDIC) and now the EDICC is planning to spend it.

    My question would be how is the Treasurer suppose to Approve any of this? How do we get the funds turned over to a non entity back?

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Sit back and wait ! If this illegal group touches one cent, notify the AG ! Sound about right to me !

  7. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I just began reading the warrant. Sorry, I have had so much on my plate this past year. I am attending the town meeting. I am livid about the amendment to the xo dont by law for one. There is a change or I’m not sure another the EDIC? I thought we had one? I need to do more research but don’t have time
    Right now? They have funds? Tondi what with? Last I knew they didn’t even have a full commitree. Yikes.

  8. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sorry I thought that would have my name. It’s Diane Haley.

  9. Anonymous6:45 AM

    And by the way Jeff, I’m glad you are running again. I have watched some meetings. Thank goodness you keep them honest!!!

  10. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Oh Geez!! It’s Diane again. I’ll be voting for yiu.
