Friday, May 31, 2024

 from the study that was not available at town meeting.

Project Phase Cost Estimate
Phase 1 – Spring 2024 – Eave Up $ 502,011
Escalation – 6.00% $ 30,121
Phase 1 Subtotal $ 532,132
Phase 2 – Spring 2025 – Elm Street Façade $ 430,716
Escalation – 14.00% $ 60,300
Phase 2 Subtotal $ 491,016
Phase 3 – Spring 2026 – Interiors/Systems $ 349,032
Escalation – 22.00% $ 76,787
Phase 3 Subtotal $ 425,819
Phase 4 – Spring 2027 – MAAB/ADA – Elevator $ 1,109,866
Escalation – 30.00% $ 332,960
Phase 4 – Elevator Subtotal $ 1,442,826
Phase 4 – Spring 2027 – MAAB/ADA – Conference $ 533,740
Escalation – 30.00% $ 160,122
Phase 4 – Conference Subtotal $ 693,862
Total – Phases 1 through 3 $ 1,448,967
Total – Phases 1 through 3 plus Elevator $ 2,891,793
Total – Phases 1 through 3 plus Conference $ 2,142,829.


  1. People, do the math!

    Even if you support this project. The total CPC funding including State match was $465,000.

    This project alone would take a full 7 years of our entire CPC funding account. That means no money for fields, buildings, Crotty Ave, Grange Hall, Dwelly Farm or anything else.........and that still means this project will last a decade.

    But hey, you'll be able to get into Grange Hall free of charge in honor of our funding the project.......when will it open, really? Will it?

    I know 5 people who probably have something to say about this project........

    Know how all you hear about Florida, Carolinas , california is insurers refusing to cover buildings in certain areas whether due to fire, flood, earthquake. Do you not think that is coming here. What kind of rate or availability will there be for buildings erected within 100 year flood zones.

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Is all this money to spiffy up the CERT playhouse?
