Thursday, May 16, 2024

 Did town meeting receive more bad information from town accountant regarding meals tax?

Be it Ordered by the City Council of the City of Amesbury assembled, and by the
authority of the same as follows:
1. That the Amesbury City Council votes to accept the provisions of the last paragraph of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, section 58, and further to
dedicate without further appropriation, 100% of the Local Option Meals Tax receipts received by the City to the Special Purpose Stabilization Fund for Sidewalk and Road Repairs created by Bill No. 2013 -025.
2. The dedication of monies into this special stabilization fund will commence on July 1 ,2024.
3. Funds will be appropriated annually, beginning in FY26.
4. Sidewalk and Road Repair projects will be prioritized and selected by the City of Amesbury Public Works Director.


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    That would be one way to stop the Administration from acquiring the cash like they did last year when the fund were spent out of the GF by the Administration on another item of their choice and forced us to buy the new cruiser at FTM.

  2. Seems like we were given bad information again from our Finance Team...............This really is getting ridiculous!

    I'm sorry, but this is not the first time this type of thing has happened and it possibly effects the outcome of the Article.
    Can we at least save some money and not keep sending someone whose a bad test taker away to class every year on the towns dime...........We've paid something like 8 times for the school and it's just not taking.
    Either way, giving bad information that effects the Vote of Town Meeting is a serious failure.

    If it's legal for Amesbury it should be for Templeton

  3. Rockland MA is using meals tax: "The additional $225,000 that Rockland earns from the tax may help to pay for a new senior center and road repairs."

  4. In Weymouth, the tax will generate an estimated $557,862 per year, and the town plans to use the funds for park and field maintenance, according to local news reports.

  5. In Templeton, the tax will generate $77,000+ and the town doesn't Plan a thing!
