Monday, July 24, 2023

 July 18, 2023, I requested from Town Aministrator a copy in electronic form of the June 2023 monthly expenditure report.

Todays answer to my request.
Adam D. Lamontagne <>
Good Day,
We have not received the final End of Year BvA from the Accountant.

Adam D. Lamontagne;Currie, Michael;Toth, Timothy;Griffis, Terry;Rivard, Matthew;Richard, Julie
To all concerned, I requested an electronic copy of June 2023 monthly expenditure report from Town Administrator (who is also RAO). After receiving his response, I checked the towns financial management policy and found the following:
H-3 Monthly & Quarterly Reporting Background:
Monthly reporting helps a community to determine whether sufficient funds are available to cover current obligations, any surplus can be invested, or shortfall exists requiring temporary borrowing. Policy: The Town Accountant shall produce and distribute monthly budget-to-actual reporting to evaluate the Town’s financial position per Massachusetts state law. These reports shall be submitted to the Board, user agencies, Town Administrator, and Advisory Committee, among others. This will enable the Town to take prompt management action in the event that fiscal problems are indicated or adjust spending behavior to meet financial challenges. The Town's Financial Team (Accountant, Treasurer/Collector, Principal Assessor) shall make a formal public presentation to the Board and the status of accounts, their activities, and concerns over negative trends each month following the ending of a fiscal year quarter together with any steps recommended by the Town Administrator to deal with such negative trends.
NOTE: I did not ask for end of year final, I asked for month of June expenditure report, which according to the TA, does not exist yet. This seems to be more of employees deciding what will be done and when rather than management and is another example of failing to follow policy.
Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. As I stated on the other post. This one creates work so its irrelevant....

    This is what happens when you have a WEAK Select board ( Chair specifically whose been in Guvment work most of his life) and a inexperienced Administrator.
