Saturday, June 3, 2023

 Watch the June 1, 2023 meeting of Templeton advisory committee and see them violate the open meeting law.

I, ____________________________________, who qualified as a member of the
______________________________________, on ________________, certify pursuant
(Public Body) (Date)
to G.L. c. 30A, § 20(h) and 940 CMR 29.04, that I have received and reviewed copies of the following Open Meeting Law materials:
1) the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-25;
2) the Attorney General’s Regulations, 940 CMR 29.00–29.11;
3) the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Guide, explaining the Open Meeting Law and its application; and
4) if applicable, a copy of each Open Meeting Law determination issued by the Attorney General within the last five (5) years to the public body of which I am a member and in which the Attorney General found a violation of the Open Meeting Law.
I have read and understand the requirements of the Open Meeting Law and the consequences of violating it. I further understand that the materials I have received may be revised or updated from time to time, and that I have a continuing obligation to implement any
changes to the Open Meeting Law during my term of office.

All persons who are elected or appointed to public office are supposed to sign the above certificate and turn it into the town ethics liaison. In Templeton, that is the town administrator. Ethics liaison is the keeper of the paperwork and is supposed to ensure the schedule is followed, as when people are supposed to do ethics training, get a copy of summary of ethics laws in MA, etc. It is my understanding, the select board in Templeton already have 2 pending open meeting law complaints to deal with. They are simple easy to avoid / fix issues, that is if you do what the certificate of receipt states to do, which seems to be the issue, it is not being followed.


  1. I'm not sure I've watched a meeting recently that hasn't had an OML violation, Policy violation, Bylaw Violation or someone coming before the Board to attempt to get their Committee in a position to avoid Ethics training.

    Our little Government Clique is to busy on group think and patting each other on the back..............

  2. The concern in this area can in some ways be traced back to Romans.................

    The old Roman warning must be kept constantly in mind: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who shall watch the watchers themselves?)
