Sunday, May 7, 2023

 Since all mail including email into the select board office are public records, anyone interested should make a formal public records request for email from the Department of Environmental Protection to MacVallee, LLC. Town of Templeton board of selectmen and Templeton board of health were cc'd. It is an interesting and informative read. It was in office as of March 29, 2023.


  1. Clean Vision Corp., Los Angeles, has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Manhattan Beach, California-based Clean-Seas Inc., has signed letters of intent with Templeton, Massachusetts-based MacVallee LLC to establish a co-located Clean-Seas facility in central Massachusetts that will divert postindustrial and ocean-bound plastic from landfills and incineration and convert it into precursors for new plastics, ultra-low sulfur fuels, pyrolysis oils and Clean-Seas’ branded hydrogen, AquaH.

    Baldwinville residents, do you want 500 tons of plastic delivered daily by truck, rail or any other means to Templeton?

    I question the "Signed Letters of Intent with Templeton, MA"................

  2. Faith C8:53 PM

    I live in East Templeton and I dont want a plastics incinerator anywhere in our town.

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Wouldn't Templeton's Solid Waste By-Law prohibit this business?

  4. You know who is on the Templeton MA economic development Industrial corporation and the board of selectmen at same time, as well as capital improvement committee, select board member mike currie. No offense to Mr. Currie, but that is a bit of conflict of interest there, make reports and or recommendations that eventually go to the select board for action. No one from the board of selectmen should be serving on those entities - period!

  5. Largely offended by Mr Currie who displays his arrogance by not reading people comments as written. Over speaking other members who He feels are less knowledgeable.
    Mr Currie's idea of transparency is what HE says, not the facts. His message is the one He wants to be the first, last and only message coming out of a meeting.
    Watch these meetings. Anyone speaks and Mike "clarifies" or re-explains with his own twist.........

    Mr Currie in his endeavor to prove He is competent bulldozes over other Selectman with a smile and nobody seems to notice.

    No Selectman should be on EDIC, Capital Planning, or any other Committee as they end up directing the committee usually down another failed route............Scout Hall, Main St Bridge, Stone Bridge, Hamlett Mill Bridge, Road pavement plan, police station project, NRSD agreement and the absolute mess our Budget is in.

  6. Anonymous12:45 PM

    We have a bylaw prohibiting out of town waste that was included in the codification. It is included under part II : General Legislation Chapter 220 Solid Waste Management…. “The terms “garbage” and “refuse” shall include but not be limited to: waste, wastewater sludge, MEDICAL waste, hazardous waste, nuclear waste, trash, bionic, polymers and industrial waste.”

    Who are the members of the EDIC?
    Where are the agendas and minutes of the EDIC?

    How much $$$ are the taxpayers of Templeton on the hook for any debt or bonds by the EDIC?

    Where is the audit of the EDIC?

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      That By-Law was strengthened and restored by Citizen Petition at a mid-winter Special Town Meeting. This was less that 1 year after Carter left it out of the re-do (oops - you're welcome Templeton LLC). The omission was not noted during the presentation at ATM, voters approved the "codified" rewrite after assurances that nothing underhanded was afoot.

    2. According to Selectman Griffis all thats been going on by this "High Morals" individuals is gearing up to fight MacValle LLC.

      Whether you agree with this usage or not, didnt you think before our Town employees gear up to fight or to support the Taxpayers should be informed.

      I agree Annon, the bylaw, by my reading says no plastics, the next part says no refuse brought into town which kinda covers all trash..............Why are we not sending them a tax bill since the purchased property, right? Then tax them, you cannot by another bylaw grant them any licenses , permits, etc if back taxes are owed.
      The business part, Clean Vision might right now shows valuation of 21.5 million with a share price on the OTC market at .0455 per share.

      Everything about this company right now is hope and dreams, but the Oil industry is backing these companies as "environmentally friendly" seriously.
      Wind Power

      Solar Energy


      those are the "investment focus" and they say:
      "Highly profitable opportunities exist for companies with first to market innovations providing................"

  7. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Absolutely not!

  8. EDIC current members per town website: Glenn Eaton, Mike Currie, Liz Toth and Steve Castle
    There is a video via youtube by way of Templeton tctv which includes discussion on this topic.
