Sunday, March 5, 2023


from Templeton town website.
In accordance with its role as the executive body, the Select Board (the “Board”) has the authority to adopt statements of policy to order its affairs and guide the administrative
functions of the corporate body politic of the Town of Templeton (the “Town”).
These polices are adopted to guide the Town in ensuring the growing and continued financial health of the Town, provide the public with confidence that Town officials seriously respect
their responsibility for fiscal stewardship, and to demonstrate to bond rating agencies that the Town has thoughtfully prepared for its future They are intended to be a living tool and
shall be reviewed by the Town Administrator and designated staff on an annual basis and updated as necessary. Suggested revisions shall be submitted to the Select Board for
consideration and adoption with the annual budget message submitted by the Town Administrator or as needed by changes in statute or regulation.
The Town will not use budgetary procedures that balance the budget at the expense of future years,
such as postponing or deferring payment of expenses already incurred, accruing future year
revenues, or rolling over short-term debt to avoid making principal payments.
The Town will not balance the budget by using one-time or other nonrecurring revenues to fund ongoing expenditures, except in the event of an emergency or extraordinary or unforeseen events.
If extraordinary or unforeseen events necessitate a budget in which current revenues are less than current expenditures, and which thus relies one-time revenues to balance, the Board and the Town
Administrator shall provide along with the budget a plan to return to a structurally balanced budget in no more than three years.
The Town budget shall also reasonably support a financially-sound operating position by maintaining reserves for emergencies and providing sufficient liquidity to pay bills on time and
avoid revenue anticipation borrowing. (See also C. Reserve Funds/Fund Balance Policies.)

While state law allows for incurring expense without enough appropriation in several instances, snow & ice being one of them, if you are going to put a policy in place, it should be followed. There is enough recent data, financially history to show 147 or even 150 thousand dollars is not enough to cover yearly costs of snow & ice for the town of Templeton. So, so far, no 3 year plan to get out of using free cash to cover expense of snow removal on town roads, town budget is being "balanced" at the expense of future years, using one time to cover recurring expense (so called free cash to cover snow & ice expense) 5 years of snow& ice deficit spending with no 3 year plan to stop it. Town meeting attendees need to be aware of this policy, the action on snow & ice and ask the questions of where is the 3 year plan and why do we keep underfunding snow & ice? If professional staff will not follow policies of the town, how can people be expected to follow town bylaws? Again, when you consistently have a million dollars left over from a previous year, please do not tell me you cannot properly fund snow & ice where it needs to be, at least 300 thousand dollars. My opinion based on financial records and town meeting articles.


  1. It's nice to see that we are being asked to pay FY 22 bills for Seniors Services Department(?) and Insurance and Benefits, FY 23 deficits from Snow & Ice and Insurance and Benefits and the FY 24 Budget all in the FY 24 Warrant!

    Then it appears the town is going on a major spending spree using ARPA, CAPEX, Free Cash while committing to another lease for a Fire Vehicle totaling roughly $190,000 per year when combined with present $92,000 Engine lease which effectively is spending $485,000 of future taxation.( 5 yrs of $97,500 lease payments).

    How are we going to be paying for the Main Street Bridge $3,250,000

    What is CBDG grant for School street is denied similar to the now evaporated $3 million Ear Mark for Main Street?

    This Group of Selectman and paid fools have gotten templeton Bent over a barrel going into a very iffy financial future.................

    Vote NO on all purchases and put money into stabilization now or have it mismanaged and unavailable when we NEED it.

  2. Funny FY22 late bills, where will money come from? Failure to track expenses and inform town accountant and TA to set money aside to cover those bills. Finance report shows $3,900.00 left over from senior service and $104,000.00 left over from Insurance & Benefits. Common practice to set funds aside to cover bills you know are coming but have not received invoices yet. Snow & Ice deficit is because we refuse to budget what is needed. Paying for snow & ice out of general stabilization, my vote is hell no!.

  3. Jeff, the only issue I have with lets say increasing the Snow & Ice to $300k is I dont personally believe the money has been spent as intended over past 5 yrs.
    Examples would be Bob using Snow & Ice to buy additional equipment, bypassing Capital Improvement Committee and the budgeting process. If our management was more trustworthy and less "flying by the seat" I would agree.
    Not under the present Selectboard or Administration. They are to far gone.
    How is Luannes Novemeber retirement going? Maybe Hiring the "only" applicant isn't the best course of action for a Department Head position in charge of assessing town property........Glad Luanne put in 5 weeks training as Adam didn't think of it until FTM.........$20,000 extra for Assessing must be gone or going this coming month...........

    These Selectman, being just as arrogant as the Administrator are spending the people of Templeton, out of Templeton.

    Ask yourself!
    Did you receive any assistance from ARPA ($2,400,000) (employees did)
    Have you or will you benefit from Opioid Settlement Funds?
    Is our Ambulance system working when 2 police vehicles get to your house minutes before one ambulance?

    I'm paying roughly $5,000 in Real Estate Taxes in Templeton. The only service I get is my road. Police/Fire/Ambulance. ( more likely to late to prevent, just add costs) No water, NO sewer, No drainage, no sidewalk. There are 35 or so lots/houses on Shady Lane which is roughly 1 mile long in Templeton

    Dont be sold a Bill of goods................Do everything you can to keep your money. The town will just waste it like on Scout Hall.
