Friday, October 28, 2022

 One can find a property card on the Town of Templeton website, under the page of the Board of Assessors, that reads parcel M_154986_927889, Vision ID 259, owner - inhabitants of Town of Templeton, assessed value of $52,100.00.

Just so some things are clear, the swimming/picnic area over on Crotty Avenue, was left to the Inhabitants of Templeton and is valued or assessed by the Town (remember them board of assessors) at $52,100.00. That is a recreation park area for the inhabitants of town of Templeton. Also, I find more trash on the side of the road I live on in a quarter of a mile than I do on Crotty Avenue. Since it was left to the town, we have a responsibility to upkeep it and that means picking up trash, providing tables for picnicking and trash receptacles. Can you say Park Commissioners?


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Great point Jeff!

    How many of these other properties the town received under various promises that through the years have been forgotten. I'm assuming the intent wasn't to just take and forget the towns side of the bargain cause now "we got it"...............

    It does seem logical that if you take something as a swimming hole for residents you might have some responsibility to provide trash receptacle or at the very least signs saying "please remove what you bring"?

    Must have been more traffic than usual on Crotty Ave as I to took a tour after listening to Selectbaord meeting. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I saw less refuse/trash on Crotty Ave in Templeton than I do on my street in 1/3 mile. I was going so slow and looking around amazed to see nothing that I almost drove off the road.

    The one thing I will say. Nothing denotes its town land, open to public. Nothing says swimming or picnics. No notice about grills. Has water been tested? This is getting to be fun...........lets see.

    Town owned swimming hole..............lifegaurds?
    Town owned swimming/picnic area...........sanitary facilities?
    Town owned swimming/picnic area..................remotely safe in water around/held back by structure?

    We accepted this property under certain provisions 25 yrs ago and shame on the town for dumping their lack of follow through on the least able of us to respond.
    As far as what I heard from the Administration I think the involvement of the police should be after the town accepts fault for failing to fulfill its contractual obligations to the taxpayer for the acceptance..............

    I never even knew about that place as the old recreation association. Looking at the spot I thought it was an old mill pond. The place is chained off, decayed, just like most of Templetons assets under the control of the Administration.

  2. We closed the swimming hole when the dam failed. Keep up.
