Thursday, September 22, 2022

 Holman Street property (old Temple Stuart factory) sold on August 26, 2022. As of now, none of the back taxes have been paid. I have heard of an attempt to do a TIF agreement, and some kind of a payment plan. This would be a bad and dumb move on the part of Templeton, there is about a half million dollars owed to Templeton on this property. I am pretty confident board of assessors do not favor any kind of agreement on letting tax dollars go. Best of my knowledge there is nothing set as of now, but ya'll best let selectmen know, who could let the TA know, NO DEALS, collect all money owed town on this property. This is why we have a collector and tax title is where this belongs if all of the taxes are not paid forthwith to the town.


  1. You are absolutely right. Temple Stuart was one of the town's biggest source of revenue. More money is owed for interest than on the taxes because they have failed to pay for so long. Nothing has taken the place in paying their share of tax money, so the taxpayer has had to pick up the slack. Selectmen fail to understand they work for every taxpayer in this town. Deals will not cut it. Every land owner in this town pays their fair share. These people have done nothing but cost this town money. No deals !!

  2. Thanks for the information Jeff. I will be expressing myself this upcoming week.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    What was the cost to the town for this vacant property, Nothing !!! So let the town cut them a deal and get on with life. Sick and tired of mill this, paper company this,Temple Stuart this. Enough alresdy

    1. Mr. Annon,

      Civics man you are not!

      Please explain how a lot with a vacant major structure on it, not paying taxes for decades and reducing the towns free cash every year doesn't effect cost the town?

      I await your wise words.

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Tell me this. What did it cost the town, actual cost $$$ . What vehicles are there at the vacant properties that aren't paying taxes. No business, no employees, using no services, no cost to the town. How about going after people who actually live in town not paying taxes using town services. Costing the town actual$$$$

  5. I did tell you..................
