Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 Voice vote at town meeting, moderator declares vote passed or failed, you have doubts. If you can get 6 other people to stand with you, 7 can challenge the moderator. Stand and state, I doubt it and the moderator will be forced to have a hand count. Know your power when you go to town meeting.

In 2022, you will get 4 tax bills and they generally raise the amount of money needed to pay for what you voted to do at town meeting. Pay for the operation of the schools, pay for the police, fire, ambulance, get roads plowed / salted, or not, pay cost of employees whose job it is to create your tax bills, collect your money, record or account for how it is spent, etc.
Oh, you did not attend town meeting, not to worry, those who did had no problem spending your money for you. Want a say, attend town meeting, where you all can vote to tell selectmen to take their budget back to the office and reduce it, for the good of the town, as in us, the residents. You attend town meeting, you have that power.

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