Saturday, May 1, 2021

 One selectman states that some selectmen work hard behind scenes for town. Okay, here you go; from BOS meeting May 8, 2019.

Present: Board of Selectmen: John Caplis, Julie Richard, and Diane Haley Brooks; and Town Administrator, Carter Terenzini. Absent: Doug Morrison.
i. Action RE: Hubbardston IMA~ Carter explained what led to this agreement being formed with Hubbardston looking for reliable accounting services. Richard moved to approve the Hubbardston IMA, as presented; as seconded by Haley Brooks. Motion carries
This is the agreement that led to a lowering of costs to taxpayers of Hubbardston for accounting service, while increasing costs to taxpayers of Templeton for accounting services. Would this be an example of Templeton board of selectmen working for the benefit of Templeton? Only one of those board members still serve on the Templeton BOS. You can find the meeting minutes under or you can watch the movie on tctv youtube, look for selectmen meeting May 8, 2019.


  1. It is beyond me why any Selectmen would create more cost to their residents. That deal was extremely poor from the start. Just because a Town Administrator makes a suggestion, that does not mean it is a good one for the taxpayer.

  2. That one Selectboard member is also the Board Member who brought Scout Hall before CPC without Committee approval but based on the Town Administrators suggestion?????

    We still avoid accountability at all costs in Templeton. We prefer the "sweep under the rug" approach!

    1. "Sweep under the rug" AKA Path of least resistance. 😉
