Friday, November 6, 2020

 Parking; first question comes to my mind: is Boyton Street/road a public way? Has there been any previous parking restrictions on Boyton Road, street, way? If there are no restrictions, then it seems it is first come, first serve parking. Apartment dwellings or homes should have off street parking, for one reason, when it comes to winter time, on street parking is sometimes restricted.

I suppose it could be possible to arrange valet parking at other sites, if the owners of KRO's could get approval of the private land owners first.

I also believe it is possible for the business to create more parking on their land, although it would be expensive as it would probably involve going through MA DOT for drive way access off route 2A as well as excavation on their land, it is a possibility.

1 comment:

  1. Many good questions along with the info.

    It would seem that if the Town restricted 3-5 spaces on Boynton ( if possible) for Library access only and placed a couple signs saying "do not bloke driveways, or you'll be towed at your expense" and enforce it.
    Kro's has stated during 2/26/20 meeting that they have 25 parking spaces on their property. That should be plenty for most breakfast/lunch meals I would think (???) The balance should be handled by the non restricted parking on Boynton or maybe an arrangement with the church.
    For the wedding they could use, again as stated at meeting, the parking lot of the business 500ft down the street with a valet service. It's a wedding, the valet isn't going to break the bank (the bank breaking is on the other end of the marriage in most cases)

    It seems like the Town Service is being negatively affected by the operation of this business that was granted a license with inadequate parking. The business promised resolution to the Board of Selectman, let them resolve it, with the Selectman's assistance sure, but not taxpayers money!

    Just a few thoughts from someone who uses neither service involved.
