Monday, November 23, 2020

 Templeton FY2021 tax rate set - $16.11, below link should allow you to view tax recap sheets showing tax rate, tax levy, etc. This does not automatically mean your tax bill will go down.


  1. Is the full borrowing for the school included?

  2. In 2008 my house was valued by Templeton at $356,000 and the yearly tax bill was $3276.00

    In 2020 my house was valued by Templeton at $299,000 and the yearly tax bill was $5038

    As you can plainly see my house taxes have increase 54% and my valuation is still 15% lower than 2008?

    Tax rate by itself means NOTHING. That $16.11 tax rate still amounts to about a 60% increase in taxes

    My 2016 tax was $3810 based off of a valuation of $231,350.00. The increase in actual taxes paid from 2016 to 2020 was 32%. Understanding what that means shows that you tax rate, based on 2016 numbers is actually $21.26 and NO, I don't believe the entire School is not funded in this tax rate.

    Happy days!

  3. Sadly,most people do not understand this. What a deal I have for you ! Lol

  4. More houses for sale!

  5. The saddest part about this is that we are actually paying $2.00 per $1000for FREE CASH!

    Thats right! $14.11 for your actual budgeted services in town and $2.00 per $1000 in excess pocket cash.
    Why do we not plan to spend X for Capital rather than use a portion of "free cash". Why does the Administration get to use 50% of free cash to cover "oversites and unbudgeted items" if we are really managing and planning?

    Wait till next year folks...............

    We can't keep flying by the seat of our pants...........we need a real PLAN!
