Friday, February 14, 2020

 Time for some trade offs? 

Phillipston gets the same dispatch service as Templeton residents get, except Phillipston residents have no insurance and benefit costs, no dispatch building expenses, no loan payments, no labor contracts; Templeton residents bear those costs and Phillipston gets that for less than 70 thousand per year. Hubbardston gets their accounting work done for 37, then 42 and then 45 thousand, with no insurance and benefits, while Templeton pays $127,470.00 just in salary for it's accounting work. (it was 90 thousand before agreement) Thank You to the selectmen / former selectmen who signed that agreement: Selectmen Brooks, Richards and former selectmen Caplis. Now, we need an override for a police officer, so the Templeton force can get back to the number of officers it once had, before you guessed it, budget cuts. It is not about just revenue, or how much Hubbardston is paying to Templeton, it is about what Templeton has to pay and what is being leftover in insurance & benefits and now being asked for an override; I do not require a fast talking explanation, as the numbers speak for themselves.


  1. There is no excuse for signing on to a deal like this. So the Town Administrator sits this agreement in front of your selectmen. Does that mean they have to sign it ? Did they read what they signed ? Who is running the Town ? This is another example of poor leadership. This is just another bad deal Templeton has signed on to. Remember the Accountants deal with Hubbardston ? That cost Templeton residents also. This is your money ! You have a right to demand better. The Selectmen are supposed to work for you. The Town Administrator works for you, through the people you elect.If you are not happy, let them know ! This is a democracy, your vote and voice counts.

  2. I'm not really sure those who have spent a life signing CBA agreements are qualified to negotiate retail type contracts were someone actually has skin in game...

    Thats why Selectman Fortes called Caplis a "Weak Chair"...............

  3. It does not take skill or intelligence to sit and bob your head in agreement to everything people want when you are supposed to be negotiating. That is not working in the best interest of the town.
