Sunday, December 15, 2019

Templeton special town election, June 11, 2007, voters approve an override of $735,700.00 to fund the operating budget of Narragansett school district.
Templeton special town election, October 15, 2013, voters approve an override of $620,000.00, of which $550,459.00, went to funding the Narragansett school district budget.
What will happen in 2020; override, another 1/12 budget, possible more town cuts? Another roller coaster financial year and some of that can be traced back to May, 2019, when the select board voted to spend over 60 thousand dollars of your tax money so Hubbardston could get their accounting service done for 37 thousand dollars (the amount Hubbardston is paying Templeton this year) One reason given for this is to hopefully entice Hubbardston to move their dispatch service to Templeton from Rutland. Would that be a bribe like move??
Time to stop all the bullshit, face reality and selectmen need to do what is best for Templeton and yes, that means from a financial stand point. After all, it is all about the dollars. Why people go to New Hampshire to shop, avoid sales tax. Why do people fudge (cheat) on taxes, why do people shop online, why do people push for college? It is all about the money, save or spend less, make more, etc. Nobody wants to invest in a company that spends more to make less, you would not put your retirement dollars in a company like that, so why do you want your money spent like that?? The town administrator put it in front of the selectmen, he made a pitch for it, but they ultimately voted for it, signed off on it and made that dumb move. They even sat their and touted how good things were/are and how great a job they had done / were doing. Since you do not show for meetings, they assume you do not care, that is the message I have heard either being at or watching selectmen meetings in the past (pre May 2019)
Look at Scout Hall and you tell me how great they were.


  1. I think the number of people watching the meetings has improved. For the longest time people were discouraged from attending meetings. Maybe that will turn around. I hope so.

  2. I remember being at a Selectman meeting and saying something along the lines of "everything I look at is a mess" to which Ms Richards responded that she was "offended".
    How offended should I be looking at what Ms. Richards has done regarding Scout Hall???? Another Mess created by the arrogant " Caplis BoS" that operated on a do as I say, not as I do.......policy.
