Thursday, December 12, 2019

Inter-Municipal Agreement – Accounting Services to Town of Hubbardston

Provider = Town of Templeton
End User = Town of Hubbardston

Fee Schedule as voted by Templeton Board of Selectmen
Hubbardston pays Templeton per fiscal year:

FY 2020 - $37,000.00
FY2021 - $41,000.00
FY2022 - $45,000.00

Cost to Templeton taxpayers for this agreement:

Salaries for Accounting Office increase from $90,000.00 to $127,470.00
(FY2020 budget book page 58 & 58A)
Accountant salary increases by $7,500.00 – from $70,190.00 to $77,690.00
Asst. Accountant salary increases from $20,346.00 to $49,780.00
Asst. accountant goes from 19.5 hours to 38 hours, now benefits.
Additional $25,000.00, for a total increase of $61,934.00, off set by the
$37,000.00 = net cost to Templeton of $24,934.00 so Hubbardston can have their accounting services done for $37,000.00. Why can’t Templeton get a “deal” like this? Why can’t Templeton get its accounting services for $37,000.00?

This is not a reflection on Templeton employees, rather it is an example of the need for Templeton to look at doing business in a different way. We enter agreements like this while we go without proper police protection, highway goes under staffed and fire/EMS is juggling for service, even after an override for that service. Then we say we cannot afford to fully fund schools.

1 comment:

  1. Why on earth would the Board of Selectmen by into a real like this ? Seem they did not think you would notice. This is deal that was put into effect by Mr. Caplis. Don't forget to thank him when you see him.
