Wednesday, August 1, 2018

purchase price less than appropriation? (No subject)
Today, 6:59 AM


  1. Stirs coffee with spoon slowly ... can’t wait !

  2. it better be a large cup, it will be a long wait for a response

  3. Carter and the BOS did a little "move" to get this done.

    Carter combined two purchases. $15,000 for the infield groomer and $8500 for the lawnmower listed in the Capital plan.
    Carter and the BOS spent $3200 on the groomer. $1000 on retrofitting it to an old machine. Then they spent $12,100 or so on a inefficient lawnmower.

    Nothing about this purchase matches the Capital Plan or the Town Meeting Vote. Nothing about this plan matches the appropriation request for the equipment. This was a big middle finger to the Taxpayer, the Capital Planning Committee and the rules in place.

  4. BOBM you need math help ... I would suggest remedial class with your comrades perhaps.

  5. Please teach me...........oh smart one. Show me my error.

  6. well smartnuff, hope your coffee did not get cold, one selectmen responded to email and said he will try to attend advisory committee meeting

  7. justsmartenough is a troll. Don't even engage him. I'm sure I will now be a troll target

    1. If "notsmartenough" wants to create problems, I agree, treat his post as a zero post! That will get him what he deserves, nothing !
