Friday, July 6, 2018

How it gets done in Templeton selectmen office;

Following last night's meeting, I checked the "mail slot" of the Advisory Committee in Town Hall. Mail from the school district, which contained a letter informing Advisory that on June 18, 2018, the school committee voted an interim assessment concerning Templeton's contribution. The amount voted is $6,332,752.00. This does not include the debt service for the district. Letter states assessments (dollar figures) will be recertified for both member towns after such time as Town of Templeton holds it's fall special Town Meeting in October to include the debt service. (letter dated June 22, 2018)

Also included, a letter to the district from Carter Terenzini (with cc to BOS, treasurer/Collector and Accounting) Advisory Committee was left off, probably not on the Christmas card list of the Town Administrator.
That letter sent to district superintendent, states that "I write to assure you that sufficient funds were appropriated to pay the Town's NRSD debt." (I need to see that warrant article) Letter goes on as; "While those funds may not have been appropriated in the conventional manner within your article, the general fund contains a $500,000.00 sum of monies which were originally intended to reduce a Bond Anticipation Note from $10,000,000.00 to $9,500,000.00 upon it's rollover in the fall of 2018. This payment is not required but was anticipatory. Therefore, we will use this uncommitted fund to pay your assessment upon as it becomes due."
"I shall leave to the BOS the matter of whether or not to backfill it at the fall Town Meeting."
"Please feel free to call upon me if I may provide you with any further information or certifications on this matter of the availability of these funds."

signed Carter Terenzini, Town Administrator.
CC: BOS, Treasure/Collector, Accounting.
The letter is dated May 22, 2018


  1. You must have quite a collection of prizes

    1. I am sure she has forgotten more than you know !

  2. Enjoy the Towns Mac & Cheese festival today. Support our Senior Center , be kind and have great day.
