Thursday, March 15, 2018

School District reorganization committee meeting scheduled for Monday, March 26, 2018 at 4:30 PM at the central office - a pubic meeting. You should attend,

The last meeting, Templeton Town Administrator was there but no Templeton selectmen, which again brings the question; why put selectmen on committees when they generally do not show up?

This committee is basically charged with making recommendations to the school committee about how to arrange the classes in the two elementary schools, new Templeton elementary school and Phillipston memorial school. The March 26 meeting is the date when the committee is suppose to formalize ideas to present to the school committee. The is a member of the school committee on this committee. One idea is to have k - 5 in both schools with pre-k in Templeton.

It is also my understanding that the school committee is under no obligation to use any ideas or recommendations the reorganization committee puts forth.

Ideas include a plan A and plan B:

One being K thru 5 in Phillipston and pre-K through 5 in Templeton and the other being all grade 1 through five in Templeton Center and all pre-K and K in Phillipston but nothing has really been discussed at length or voted as a recommendation yet, that is suppose to happen on the 26th of March.

I do not and did not "miss" anyone, merely passing on the record of Templeton selectmen in attendance of this particular committee; 4 meetings held and a Templeton selectmen has shown up for one meeting. For the record, I missed one meeting.

Also, with regards to equal education, what ever is offered at one elementary school has to be offered at the other school, for instance, a music teacher, art teacher, technology and health teacher has to be offered and available at both schools. Placing of students is really quite simple, Templeton students at Templeton school and Phillipston students at the Phillipston school. One subject discussed was would students in the new school have an unfair advantage over Phillipston students because they have a new building with better facilities such as class rooms with bathrooms in them. Busing is an issue because of the number of buses and the distance to be covered in both towns. How many runs to get all students to their school on time.

Again, final say is up to the school committee.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Is that a sub committee to the school committee ? A sub committee to the school advisory committee ? Or just it’s own entity with its own policy?

  2. Yes, can someone here clarify that ? Thankyou.

    1. No Name & Anon,

      To my understanding the District Re-org committee is an advisory committee to the School Committee and the School Admins. Attached is a link when we established it. There is a letter in the packet from the School Committee of its charge and purpose.

      Cameron Fortes

  3. Jeff,

    My apologies Jeff, I had a work conflict that was scheduled before I was assigned to the committee. All parties that needed to be notified were. However, had I known you were going to miss "Master" Fortes (as you call me) that much I would have given you a heads up as well. Also, be careful not to call me that in public people might not get the joke of a grown man calling another grown man "master". Although it is 2018, it is apparent your still living in the stone age; don't want you to get labeled inappropriately.

    Your Selectman,

    "Master" Fortes

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thankyou Cameron , I will look ... Respectfully .

  5. Forgive me Cameron I can’t find it but I know I heard and saw you speak of it. Is this the one where Phillipston and Templeton switch off dor labor negations ? Sorry if I’m saying this wrong . Respectfully

    1. No Name,

      The discussion about labor negotiations which I am also the representative for (for both boards of selectmen) is not the same. The labor negotiations is a subcommittee (I believe) to do collective bargaining. The BoS representative as stated by statute is allowed to sit in on executive session and has a responsibility to inform both boards of actions that are not publicly disclosed until after the negotiations have taken place or so was explained to me thus far. This reorganization committees, which is another committee that I am a part of, is a committee made up to determine how the new school system will function. For example, grade 5 has the possibility to be moved out of the Middle School and into Templeton Center which also means that Phillipston would need to receive 5th grade students as well. This isn't nearly as simple as it sounds because it could raise all sorts of potential issues such as busing, equal education opportunities, staffing, etc that wouldn't be seen by the School Committee alone. So they formed an advisory committee that was made up from equal members from both towns to explore the financial and political impact of reorganizing the districts to make sure they are agreeable to both communities before being placed into action.

      Hope that answers your questions and always feel free to email me with any questions or message me on Facebook and I would be happy to supply any documentation that you need, answer any questions, or point you to subject matter experts.

      Respectfully yours,
      Cameron Fortes

    2. Yes, I thankyou for that explanation. I really appreciate the detail in your repsonse. I did find what you had mentioned above and yes - this is a big task and I put faith in the people ( committee, board and citizens ) who are looking out for the best all around solution for the students, parents and communities. I thankyou for your courtesy as well. Respectfully - Tax Payer and Citizen

  6. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The yutes today take longer to mature. "Master" fits.

  7. I was scolded on this page for not being respectful or using big words. Is this type of comment not going to get called out ?

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "Coffee please" and "No name" are obviously one and the same.

  9. Really ? Is Anonymous the same as anyone here before ?

  10. Well, I don’t drink coffee. Jeff, thanks for th explanation of the committee it was very helpful as I have been trying to find it and failed. I hope that a good resolution for the 2 towns is found. Thank you.

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    You posted the same remark under each name. Bitching about being scolded.

  12. Yes , I have been and if I may so other have been scolded, derided and made to feel small. It’s a pattern here not the posters who feel like this because it’s true but people like you Anonymous who make them feel that way.

  13. New rule can only use a verb once.

    1. Please be civil ! That goes to everyone, please !

  14. As I see it, the people in Templeton are stuck paying for this new school. As far as I can understand, Phillipston did not want to go into this project ! If I am right, I can't see where it makes any difference if our kids go to the new school and the kids from Phillipston do not . The grownups made their decision a long time ago ! It is their problem now ! My opinion as a senior taxpayer and homeowner !
