Friday, March 2, 2018

Interesting facts,
One member of the Phillipston finance committee is a 40 year educator (associated with schools) and a current member of the Narragansett school committee representing Phillipston is also a member of the Phillipston finance committee. So how does someone fight for the school as a school committee member then ask the school committee to justify any increases in assessment in looking out for the Town's finances. Remember, the school committee is involved in union negotiations, so how does that work? Inside information happening? Seems like a very big conflict of interest, just in appearance.

Seems pretty hard to be logical and independent when looking at the district budget as a member of the finance committee when you are part of the district pushing for a budget as well as union negotiations.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Hello, you do realize that Phillipston has internet and can read this blog right ?

    1. Please expand on this Mr Bennet if you will. What does your comment mean to convey with calling out citizens of Phillipston? I would like not a coy response if you manage that.

    2. I’m assuming your are not calling the people referenced illogical or not independent correct ?

  2. Ok, question: What would constitute a surprise if not $485,000 hole? At about 35 minutes in Dr Casavant states that He and Carter had an agreement of no surprises.........well? $485,000 is a surprisingly larger number than the hoped for 2.5% increase stated Monday

  3. So I guess charging that 1 Phillipston senior is not going to work or ?

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Personally I feel the oversight and policy responsibilities of the school committee are best served when it has information from multiple sources. As a good researcher will attest multiple perspectives are critical for better understanding an issue or topic at hand. Lacking information, school committees run the risk of being “captured” by their own superintendent. So that said I’m glad that a Town has such active, and I must say well spoken and prepared citizens ( speaking of Phillipstons representation here in this meeting on TCTV YouTube ) that engage on boards. I see nothing untoward Jeff B in that I’m not sure of what your alluding to as well with all due respect.

  5. Gee, gadfly sure sounds like hurt and puff ! Amazing, or ironic, isn't it.
