Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Some takeaways from last nights selectmen meeting;

It was stated there may need to be a plan B for the police station because of the 1.5 milion increase in bids.

There could be a Town Meeting warrant article to "clarify the advisory committee roe in commenting on the warrant" My thought on this is the selectmen wish to control the report of the Advisory Committee to Town Meeting. The way in which Advisory Committee is suppose to report to Town Meeting is already in Town by-laws, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The selectmen wish to be able to stay on al the committees they are on because it seems like there is going to be a warrant article to alow selectmen to continue to serve on all ad-hoc committees.

There was also mention of a tax override to support ALS ambulance service. If you want a full time fire department and EMS service, you have to pay for it with more taxes.

In part, the ALS service has cost far more to put forth than what was presented to you. Even with the rate increases, there are simply not enough calls to raise the money needed to pay for it.

Seems there are an increase in calls paid for by medicaid and medicare.

The Templeton Municipal Light department is apparently going back to charging Templeton Municipal buildings for lights, as in , electricity. As I stated in a previous post, Templeton needs new light commissioners.

It also looks like selectmen will again try to combine library, veterans service, recreation/culture, cable and council on aging with one person to oversee all of those now separate departments.
The one police cruiser paid for by meals TAX, is now apparently moved to being used to pay for multiple vehicle leases; police cruiser, one-ton truck for DPW,

On the flip side, one time revenue from logging will not be used to support the spending plan, which was stated as a loss of $10,000.00 available to support an approximate 15 million dollar spending plan.

So, back to Advisory Committee, how do the selectmen think they can prevent residents from commenting or questioning Advisory Committee reports, recommendations etc.? Remember, there are seven residents on Advisory and last I checked, selectmen cannot tell residents what to ask, nor can the moderator. So, as a resident, my question (s) could be along these lines; Mr. Moderator, why are you limiting the comments on Advisory Committee? Is it because of the fact you are a Town employee, dependent on the selectmen for the department budget/spending plan that you work for? Has the moderator been told to toe the line? Could there be political collusion at work here? Nah, not in Templeton!

Everyone should pay attention to this spending plan presentation.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    So much info here. Lots to act upon.
    One point of clarification though, the Templeton Cultural Council should have nothing to do with a town appointed overseer. The Cultural Council is a state agency. The town does not have to give any money to it (and did not for years) and it would (and did) still receive funding from the state.
    It seems that the selectboard have no idea how the program works. It also seems like some kind of power grab or ignorance.
    Just remember that only council members get to vote to spend the money on cultural events. Their budget is not available to any other town department.
    Here is a link to Templeton local cultural council, again, a state agency.


  2. I need to do some more looking, but the point that instantly hit me last night was the 60 cent per $1000 override. If I'm not mistaken, based on the Towns $622 million dollar evaluation that request amounts to a $375,000 override request for ALS.
    Taking this and the discussed method of budgeting expressed by the Administration I would assume this item remains constant off into the future.

    This would at best appear to mean we taxpayers are looking at:

    $16.72- present tax rate
    .60- Proposed override
    $ 1.74- Stated School add


    This is before any added costs for Police Station or added interests costs as Bond rates increase.

    Using the 2014 Master Plan number from Templeton the Average wage is about $48,000. The average house is valued at $200,000. or about $3800 in real estate tax. That is about a 8% tax on single income homes.

    I do feel that Templeton is getting something for the money in this budget. It's just getting expensive for residents. We need other sources of tax revenue besides residential real estate!!!!

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I received a letter from my mortgage company last month saying my monthly payment is going up 186.00 im assuming its for taxes . that is a big chunk of money in 1 month

    1. Well, hold on to your hats because that bill will look small compared to the bill you will get once the school is on it. I do not think most people understood how much the school will add to the tax rate in reality. This increase will be the straw that broke the camel's back for many people.

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Without a major revaluation of your property, that sounds to high. Do you have a variable rate mortgage, perhaps? Rates have been very low, but have started going up. Some mortgages have, for example, a three year fixed rate. After the introductory period, the rate increases.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      none of above i have only 3 payments left it was all going into escrow towards taxes and ins

  5. mike - I hope you are not on the advisory committee or work with numbers. good luck sir

  6. Mike,

    It sounds to me that you are seeing an Escrow adjustment. Those usually increase based on insurance/taxes PITI or the like.
    The banking industry was allowed years ago to require you hold x number of months in your escrow account as a method to avoid township getting screwed by collapsing real estate prices and people stopping tax payments first.
    I haven't looked in years myself so I'm not sure if the term, regulations have changed........

    They used to increase it for a period of month under an "adjustment". Again, thats dated.

  7. Anonymous5:59 PM

    yes bob thats what it is the only things paid out of escrow is taxes and ins

  8. Did they give you a time frame or a deficiency amount. Basically I'm asking is that permanent or short term or "until the next time"

    Our tax rate increased 60 cents per $1000 this year with an average 4.2% valuation increase. That seems like a rather large increase based on tax increase alone. My sympathies.......

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    they didnt say any time frame !but im sure the valuation went up also ? but i only have 3 payments left
