Sunday, October 15, 2017

from the Templeton Town website -

Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. then and there to act on the following articles:

 ARTICLE 1 CONSENT AGENDA To see if the Town will vote to establish a consent agenda for Town Meeting to adopt one or more non-controversial articles in one motion; or take any other action relative thereto. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen

1-A REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICERS To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of the Town Officers as printed in the 2015 Town Report; or take any other action relative thereto. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen

1-B REPORTS OF TOWN COMMITTEES To see if the Town will vote to allow any of the Town Committees to present their reports; or to take any other action relative thereto. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen

1-C REVOLVING FUNDS To see what revolving funds pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 53E1/2 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth the Town will authorize or reauthorize for various boards, commissions or departments of the Town, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017; or take any other action relative thereto. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen A motion was duly made and seconded that the town vote to that the Reports of Town Officers, Reports of Town Committees and the Revolving Funds set forth below, be hereby approved.

A substitute motion was duly made and seconded that Article 1 Report of Town Offices, Reports of Town Committees and the Revolving Funds be split into parts as follows:
1A-Reports of Town Officers
1B-Reports of Town Committees
1C-Revovling Funds and voted individually

A motion was duly made and seconded to move the substitute motion. Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 9:18am

On the substitute motion to separate Article 1 Passed/May 14th @ 9:19am

1A A motion was duly made and seconded to have the Town Report accepted as is but to have the Board of Selectmen be authorized to add an addendum to report at a later date.

A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question. Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 9:41am

On the 1 A motion. Defeated/May 14th @ 9:42am 

1B A motion was duly made and seconded that the town will vote to allow any of the Town Committees to present their reports. Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 9:46am

1CA motion was duly made and seconded that the Revolving Funds set forth below, be hereby approved  Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 10:01

Question: Since the 1 A motion failed, does that mean Town Meeting did not accept the annual Town Report as presented? There is no record of a vote to accept it as there is for the other two parts. Did the moderator miss that? Did the Town clerk miss that? Seems there is one item on the warrant for the annual Town meeting of 2016 that was not actually voted on. So a question might be, did the Town not accept the 2015 annual Town Report? Why did the selectmen not address this?

I believe by the above vote on the 1 a motion, the Town Meeting told the selectmen they did not want any later addendum, they want a Town Report to be complete and the selectmen failed to carry out Town Meeting vote or instruction. Perhaps that is why the chairman of the Board of selectmen failed to respond to a citizen who questioned the lack of reports by the Treasurer and Town Accountant which is a violation of Templeton Town by-laws and MGL. Again, perhaps less time lecturing Advisory Committee or citizens and more time doing your duty!


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Do Your Job!

  2. I am currently without a job, but I am looking! You hiring?

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Jeff, I think Anonymous 10:19 was telling the BOS members to do their jobs, but why start now ? It would mean they would actually understand how to do their jobs, and have a base of information to make informed decisions. The sad part of this story is that the people who voted for these selectmen, expecting them to make good informed decisions, have been let down and will pay a great price for years after their terms are over.

  4. Here’s a question, Has the BOS ever addressed the fact that The Templeton Light & Water Plant has been “from January to March 2017 in violation of monitoring for contaminants or reporting monitoring tests to state agencies as required by the Safe Water Drinking Act “

    1. Now that the two entities are bussom buddies once again, not a word will be said. Don't expect big things, and you won't be disappointed.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Most people in town don't drink the water, if they have town water.

    If you can, dig a well.

  7. Ms Farrell, your comments are flippant (“ if you can dig a well” ) and inaccurate( “most don’t drink the water” ). I trust they are out of frustration and not empathy or lack of knowledge. Please supply data that proves your contention that “ most “ don’t drink the Town Supplied and Taxpayer funded water. * Not the town population to customer number.
    According to the Town WaterDept website ( which unfortunately is potentially not accurate ) the total water customers = 2200. I would assume that restaurants , SCHOOLS, nursing homes etc are ALL using that water. The water is not only used to drink but to BATH and SHOWER, cook and fill children’s pools, and water your garden as just a few examples.
    Perhaps you should inform the towns people of what is happening in other hamlets in Massachusetts in regards to well water before you suggest to “ if you can dig a well “.
    Your crusade against Floridation should be replaced by reporting during your on camera time the VIOLATION(s) of the FEDERAL SAFE WATER DRINKING ACT *January thru March 2017 for either monitoring or reporting contaminants. Perhaps that’s why the Town placed equipment on a well to “ strip out PCE “ .
    Here is just a sample of what is so erroneous and egregiously wrong with your statement about “dig a well “.
    “The state Department of Environmental Protection named Casella the potential responsible party, and the company supplies bottled water or whole-house filtration systems to the affected homes.
    The new detection in a private well at 107 McGilpin Road is the first reported in Sturbridge. The home is said to be about 1 mile from the landfill boundary and the H Foote Road neighborhood.

    At a Charlton Board of Health meeting Tuesday, consultant Gary E. Magnuson of CMG Environmental said the detection is below the safe drinking water level of 0.3 parts per billion.

    “There is a day care in that area,” he said. “I understand the DEP has asked for some additional testing over there, but there is no update on the DEP’s website.”

    In a Jan. 10 letter to DEP officials, Sturbridge Board of Health Chairman Linda Cocalis said the detection of 1,4-dioxane in the Sturbridge well suggests the “landfill-related contamination has, in fact, migrated west in bedrock.”

    “This detection raises concern about the public water supply well that serves the day-care facility at 147 McGilpin Road,” she wrote. Worcester Telegram

    How’s the Town Landfill, Superfund sites in Baldwinville? Is anyone looking ?

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I have town water and do not drink it, I know several people in town that also will not drink the tap water unless filtered again thru your fridge.
    There is a history of funny things in a glass of freshly poured water in this town. Wish I knew how to access the old articles with pictures to prove it.

  9. There is no filtration “ thru your fridge “ my friend that will eliminate certain chemical contaminants. In fact what you look for is available on line thu EPA searches if what you seek is answers.

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    joe your wrong when you have a fridge with water and a ice maker there is a filter

    1. Anonymous , Please reread my post. I never mentioned fluoride removal from a “fridge” I was addressing other contaminants which may or may not be known as the WATER DEPT has VIOLATED THE FEDERAL SAFE WATER DRINKING ACT Jan ~ Feb 2017 for either MONITORING or REPORTING. If one even has the financial and *information available for filters such as carbon cartridge or other materials how does a consumer know what is being filtered and if you even can. See : MTBE , PCE ,TCE, PFAS *PFOA , DIOXANE 1-4 etc

  11. How to filter out Fluoride in your water How to filter out Fluoride in your water .

    The filter on your refrigerator will NOT remove fluoride.

    OJ - I have plenty of documents on the EPA superfund site cleanup in Baldwinville and the report on the Otter River as well. my contact info is

    Which town landfill do you have concerns about? There's more than one!

    My best calculation is that the EDIC, if it is ever brought before the voters, will work to bring the dump back to Templeton. The Southbridge landfill is closing...trash has got to go somewhere.

    I am serious about digging a well. We don't have enough property to dig one, but there are places in town where people can. I have been informing people on the "other blog" about the problems in other communities regarding Casella/Southbridge /landfills. Maybe you were sleeping? Too much fluoride?

    You might want to check out the synergistic effects of water fluoridation and lead - good stuff.

    1. Ms Farrell, Many points here, thankyou for your response.

      First, if you have any documentation that is not available to the public via EPA, DEP, USDA or thru FOIA I would be interested. If that is not the case I am well aware of the volumes of reports going back to 1972. The conditions of both the Otter and Millers River, paper mill (s) effluent, WWTP effluents, sludge disposal , TCDD 2,3,8 , PCB, pesticides, heavy metals and other contaminants. I am also aware of ( thru the public sphere ) the cancer and health reports of residents from towns that are in contact with both the Otter and Millers River.

      Second, if you are referring to other disposal / older or now closed landfills sites, locations of past PCB storage etc I am also interested again if you have information that IS NOT available thru the means listed above.

      Third, as a person who reports to represent knowledge of the history of the Templeton and well read in its industrial past this makes your “ digging a well” comment even more troublesome. You have on many occasions thru public comment given your physical address. As you wrote “ we don’t have enough property to dig one “. There in lies even more grievous errors in judgement. You are chastising others in town for poor judgment, lack of knowledge etc , but you wrote that. Would you be testing the water for MTBE, PFOA, Benzene or just FLUORIDE and lead and how many times a year?

      Forth, as a member of the Town Advisory, you suggesting that I have been perhaps “ sleeping “ and did it see your comments ad nauseam about the “ synergistic effects of water fluoridation and lead “ is completely emblematic of the juvenile nature of that “ other blog “ you referred to. I’m well aware of the “ other blog “ you are affiliated with as I believe I have referred to it aptly as : THE INFOWARS OF TEMPLETON.

  12. My apologies for spelling errors or coming off as too direct. I am frustrated and flummoxed as to read comments from people who are on committees and boards, to be so flippant, misinformed and to actively public promote that “information “ on a almost daily basis.

    1. New people are moving to town, so is there anyplace that they will easily find out that there is fluoride in their town water, before they make their babies formula ? The answer is no. I know Mrs. Farrell has tried to get the Water Department to put a warning on the water bill with no success. On a larger scale, I believe that to ban fluoride would be catastrophic to the companies that put the stuff in mouth wash and tooth paste, and the dozens of other ways you can get it. The bottom line is there are so many of ways that fluoride can be obtained, why put it in the public's drinking water ? The young mothers who worry about pesticides in their children's food, apparently believe the poison in their town water is acceptable. Ironic, isn't it ! The day I believe will come, that the people will be so very sorry that they did not listen to people like Julie. In the end, who will be liable for all of the problems that have been caused by people who poisoned the water, and the people who allowed it ? As far as not reporting the violation, I do not think this is the first time.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I don’t wish to argue with you Bev and wish you all the best in regards to informing the citizens of their rights. Sincerely, an Ordinary Joe
