Templeton Town elections; Support and elect Diane Brooks and Julie Farrell. I feel right now, the most important thing for the select board would be experience and experience comes from doing rather than theory. While we may disagree on some things, I feel there could be a good working relationship between the select board and the Advisory Committee which will be good for the Town. agree to disagree on things but remember the big picture, THE ENTIRE TOWN and I feel those two candidates fit better, right now rather than an unknown. It is my opinion that in order to progress, you must know and understand the mistakes of the past and I believe those two candidates fit into what Templeton needs now and for the next three to five years. (if elected, do not get to comfy, as I am not going anywhere, no matter where I sit!)
posted by Jeff Bennett
The town does not need to vote for another person that has no clue how town government works. We can not sit by and wait for anyone to get up to speed, leaving a trail of bad decisions in their wake. Decisions that will effect the town for years. The Letter to the editor that Bubba wrote, shows how afraid this group is of a woman with a brain in her head. This is the bottom line, the town officials have to get rid of the bad apple in the barrel and hire two people who will work for the benefit of the town and it's people. Unfortunately, the Gardner News article was not clear that the majority of people who work for the town do their best, and I will stand by them any day of the week. The future is going to be difficult, but it will be ok if good decisions are made, by good people. We do not need another Echo Hill Plant, who has not shown enough interest to even attend any meetings I have seen. Please support Julie and Diane, and please encourage your friends and family to do the same. We need people at Town Meeting. People need to understand how our lack of revenue has effected our past and the present. Bev.