Saturday, March 25, 2017

Why are all of the Templeton Insurance Advisory Committee meetings held in the mornings rather than evenings when most people could attend the open meetings if they wished. Things such as health insurance cost to employees and to taxpayers are discussed at these meetings, so why hold them in the early morning when most people are at work? Maybe Dave Smart can answer that question.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Why don't you pick up the telephone and call and ask?
    I'm sure it could be explained to you.

  2. Information for Meeting of Advisory Committee
    Wednesday March 22, 2017 9:06 PM EDT

    One could ask the same question of the "temp" chairman JEFFY!!

  3. Information for Meeting of Advisory Committee
    Wednesday March 22, 2017 9:09 PM EDT


    Like other posts here one would only need to wonder.

    Everyone needs to question the validity of the posts above and below.
    The mistakes on the numbers presented here are easy to say made up to look like a problem. If the viewers want to know the truth some advisory members are not where to find it.
    I agree with Diane on the school yard and with a member on the Advisory like JEFFY like i said before Templeton will need some replacement members who can work together. We should make the Advisory committee a voters choice to weed out the problems we have with members now.
    Without members who can focus we will all see Templeton get worse over time.
