Wednesday, February 1, 2017

So you think it is only the Advisory Committee?


I have strong concerns that the vehicle expense account will not have enough funds in the account to repair and service the town fleet until June 30th. As you may recall $20,000 was taken from this account to repair a water pump on the Towns ladder truck. Without a transfer back to this account, vehicles will have to be parked until July 1st. If this happens the Town has only one mechanic, it will take time to restore service to the vehicles that need repairs.


Seems like a department head has some concerns over the movement of numbers by the selectmen too!
Perhaps it would have been more prudent for the selectmen or the fire chief to go to the Advisory Committee and request a transfer from the reserve fund of the town. Oh wait, there is no fire chief and the temporary fire chief does not seem willing to go to the Advisory Committee. So we, the town. just get more moving the pea around from cup to cup. There seems to be a problem somewhere, now we just have to admit it and see how to best address it.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. If this person the Selectmen have picked out to be our next TA does not take the job will Carter stay ? If he does it would be him that has to deal with this mess he has created, not the new guy. Oh my, I'll bet Carter did not think of that ! Maybe he will just bail out and let the Selectmen deal with the bigger hole they have dug. No wonder Columbus is leaving !! Hee, Hee.

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I found TGN article on John Columbus totally nauseating!

    1. It was, I agree. We can't blame the reporter. She is a nice lady who has come on the scene late in the "horror show that is Templeton".. How many people do not get what Echo Hill and their merry band of followers have done, and keep doing to this Town. I do pray, once in a while, that this will all come out in the wash.

    2. Columbus was more interested in telling everybody he is still in search of the next Woodstock, and really hasn't amounted to much.

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    The past was not a lesson enough for the Town I guess. Hiring an interim TA and not limiting the powers invested in him until a true TA is hired. That interim TA and mostly just one Selectman meeting all the time to make all of the decisions of the Town behind closed doors......

  4. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This was illegal without a town meeting vote. Carter says he encumber it, but obviously he doesn't know the meaning of the word. Encumbering is what you do at the end of the fiscal year when you are waiting for a bill to come in for services or product that were received in one fiscal year but will not be paid until the next. So we (Carter) paid the Collins Inst. $14,000 to find a new TA without going out to bid, Chartier (member of the planning board)was hired to do work on town hall without it going out to bid (work was separated into 3 parts to avoid procurement laws. Carter hire his pal from NH ($1,200.00) to do the interviews for Cemetery/highway. I am asking all of you people who read this blog to please please add your comments of all the wrongdoings in our town and I will write a letter that we all can print out and send to the AG's office, Inspector General's office and Ethics Commissions.

    1. Just because someone says they are a TA, does that make it true ? Did our Selectmen check this guy out ? It is no wonder the people of Wolfborough wanted to run him out of town on a rail ! Would these people follow him off a cliff ? Why not. they are letting him push the Town off one.

  5. Is it "legal" to separate bills into parts to avoid the procurement laws?

    1) Chartier had the work from day one at town hall and hired a NON LICENSED plumber to install the handicap bathrooms, a "plumber" signed the permit but north central mechanical is NOT a plumbing company and can't do work as such, in which they did.

    2) those windows they removed and blocked in and replaced with new was ONE job and cannot be considered a couple different jobs.

    That is just 2 observations that were pointed out to me by a town hall employee, there are more.

    1. The minute we let this behavior go, these people will push the line between right and wrong, as far as they can. Echo Hill must be laughing, enjoying every minute. Like Bart. said, "we get the government we deserve."

  6. Monty tech did the bathroom plumbing

  7. Wayne A and some Bennett guy was in town hall doing plumbing for chartier, wayne is not a plumber and chartier is not a plumber so the work was not done above level, this happened shortly after town hall openend but before the handicap bath was set up. I was in town hall and seen the plumbing happening. holly was asked as was TA but both just shrugged liked they didnt care.
