Friday, June 3, 2016

Massachusetts General Law, chapter 84:

Section 22. If a town neglects to repair any way which it is obliged to keep in repair, or neglects to make the same reasonably safe and convenient when encumbered with snow, it shall pay such fine as the court may impose.

posted by Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Brought to you by the court of opinion.
    Let see can the court impose the town raise the taxes required to fix and repair all roads in need of the repairs?
    We would need to double our tax rates and will still be short.It would take us 10 years to do just the royalston road project.
    I think this law jeff put up is from the horse and buggy days when it was dirt we road on. Case law on this issue would take the town counsel a year to review and cost who knows what.Practical law? You decide Templeton!
    Would we want Templeton to go into receivership or have a few potholes?
    Hell no one believes the state would take us anyway.
    Look at the DOR report and tell us about the pilot payment your buddy Dana won't pay.
