Thursday, May 19, 2016

from face book:
Grrrrr. I believe that with a great attitude, high intentions, honor, honesty,
 integrity and a spirit of cooperation we can accomplish many things individually and as a whole no matter what path we have chosen to walk in our career or any kind of service.
I am so tired of back stabbing, nit picking, a lack of concern and care, the out to get you attitude along with not understand the consequences for all actions and how about the general disregard for respect of another'sthoughts and opinions.
Think before you speak. Quit with the gossip as it's hateful and hurtful. Reserve your judgement for when you know all the facts. Go get the facts and don't assume what you hear or read is gospel. Don't speak harshly as everyone deserves the utmost regard.
We all make decisions with the information we have at that moment in time. Use the golden rule always and truly try harder to put yourself in another's shoes.
If your are complaining or gossiping and not offering any solutions, you become part of the problem.
Listen more. Talk less. Be patient. Come from a place of love or at least like.

I am not sure who selectmen Brooks is referring to, if anyone in particular, but perhaps the cooperation and honesty should begin with the board of selectmen. Those words are easy to write and sound noble and all and most likely gets some cheerleading such as "tell em sista" but they really mean nothing nor amount to anything without action. Someone should try to put aside the click and remember about the whole town. I suspect we will see all of this integrity, honor, honesty and spirit of cooperation when the fire chief situation plays out. I have already seen it with regards to the budget. Remember the former chairman spoke of using some free cash to supplement a budget and when someone spoke up about that is how the town got in trouble in the first place and the chair told the person to leave and the rest of the board members sat in silence, that pretty much said it all, through action, or lack of it.

posted by Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Those same people sat by and let Ken go after Randy Lawrence, as Randy was about to leave the meeting. The same people who have known Randy his whole life did not lift a finger to help defuse the situation. Tell me if any of the Selectmen even knew what was in "their budget" Saturday.!! I know they did not. They let Mr. Markel do all the work and I hope they take the credit when we are broke again in about two years, if not sooner.
