I love working at the polls in my town. I truly do enjoy seeing all my friends and neighbors. I want to take an opportunity to give a shout out to Carolee, Laurie Oliva Wiita and Carol Harris for coordinating efforts to get something done for another Realtor.
It is a blessing to work with people who will go above and beyond to get the job done. It is a blessing more so to call you all friends.
And yes Laurie, I really do love you!
It was a great Mother's Day and I hope for all of you amazing Moms out there it was the same! I did a bit of relaxing today and now I feel like I can push the limits this coming week and that's a good thing!
In other news, I will be blocking some people that think back door politics along with a lack of care, concern, and even a bit of "can't keep your mouth shut" are the way to go... ahem, not in my world. So, you're out. I'm not usually this snitty (don't look it up as I'm sure it's not a word), but I've had enough. #growuppeople
Real estate is busy, busy and May and June are going to be like gangbusters! Hard to believe we are almost 1/2 way through the year... oh my!
And Mother Nature, thank goodness you are taking more meds because this week looks to be a nice one. If you please, let's change the weekend forecast to nice too and this girl will be happy!
Rock on this week friends! Love to you all!
State Ethics Commission:
As a Selectman, you are a "municipal employee" and are covered by the conflict of interest law, G.L. c. 268A.
(1) All municipal officials and employees, whether elected or appointed, full or part time, paid or unpaid,
must comply with the restrictions of the conflict law. The law also regulates the activities of former employees
and business partners of current and former employees. (2) The purpose of the law is to ensure that your
private interests and relationships do not conflict with your responsibilities as a public official.
Now if an elected official is doing everything correct and right, (as in legal), why would it be so important
for people to keep their mouth shut? I do not know if this is or could be, a case of someone using their
elective position to influence events or to provide "professional courtesy" but if it looks like a duck, swims
like a duck, well it does not have to quack to be thought of as a duck. The face book postings of a selectman
has the appearance of asking for favors from Town employees.
Jeff Bennett
(1) All municipal officials and employees, whether elected or appointed, full or part time, paid or unpaid,
must comply with the restrictions of the conflict law. The law also regulates the activities of former employees
and business partners of current and former employees. (2) The purpose of the law is to ensure that your
private interests and relationships do not conflict with your responsibilities as a public official.
Now if an elected official is doing everything correct and right, (as in legal), why would it be so important
for people to keep their mouth shut? I do not know if this is or could be, a case of someone using their
elective position to influence events or to provide "professional courtesy" but if it looks like a duck, swims
like a duck, well it does not have to quack to be thought of as a duck. The face book postings of a selectman
has the appearance of asking for favors from Town employees.
Jeff Bennett
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