Legislation Progress

Filed with the House on December 7, 2015 and given House Docket # 4338.

Filing Letter

December 7, 2015
To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives:
We are filing for your consideration a bill entitled “An Act to Modernize Municipal Finance and Government.”
As former local officials, we clearly understand the significant challenges encountered in our local communities and are committed to supporting and investing in cities and towns across the Commonwealth. 
To that end, since taking office in January, we have released $100 million in chapter 90 transportation funds, worked with you to increase local aid in the FY2016 budget, distributed $30 million to help cities and towns fill potholes, and provided additional funding for MassWorks.  In addition, because supporting our communities goes beyond direct aid, we elevated the Division of Local Services to the senior deputy commissioner level within the Department of Revenue and created the Community Compact Cabinet, which has already signed best-practice agreements with seventy-one municipalities. 
We have continued our commitment to cities and towns across the Commonwealth by seeking input on how we can empower them to be more efficient and better equip them to address local issues. 
This Municipal Modernization Act addresses many of the concerns we have heard from cities and towns.  It promotes smarter and more efficient government at both the state and local level by updating obsolete laws, increasing local independence, streamlining state oversight, and providing municipalities with greater flexibility. 
We look forward to working with you to pass this legislation and continuing our work on these important issues in the future. 
Respectfully submitted,
Charles D. Baker
Karyn E. Polito
Lieutenant Governor