All material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Board members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Board members.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
I started this blog to share the interesting and useful information that I saw while serving as a Templeton selectman and now as a member of the Templeton Advisory Committee. I thought that my fellow Templeton residents would also find that information interesting and useful as well. This blog is my effort to assist in creating a system to push the information out from the Town House to residents. I believe the intent of the Open Meeting Law was to promote transparency and openness in governance, to take it from the back rooms and bring it out in the open. Watching events unfold over a period of time, it is apparent to me that this "new" law has actually had the effect of making it harder for information to be distributed. Massachusetts public records law states emails are public records, but if you are a member of a board or committee, if you make them public, you risk getting into trouble by way of the open meeting law. So it is back to meeting in private at someones home lets say, where anything may be discussed and no one other than those present will know. Take the MMA conference for example, three selectmen attend, have breakfast or lunch and some town business comes up and is discussed because a presentation attended by them seems to present a new idea on something currently before the select board. No one would know outside of those selectmen because it would be in private. Do that in a very public forum and express your opinion and you might be in trouble. Seems like this open meeting law that was intended to promote openness and transparency may actually be driving things back behind closed doors.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Saturday, July 29, 2017
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
Approved on 5.9.16
Templeton Board of Selectmen
Town Hall Conference Room
160 Patriots Road, East Templeton, Massachusetts
Monday, April 25, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Present: Board of Selectmen: John Columbus, Diane Haley Brooks, Doug Morrison, and
Julie Richard; and Town Administrator, Robert Markel, were in attendance. Kenn
Robinson was not in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Insurance Advisory Committee~ Bob explained that the state statute
requires 7 employees and 1 retiree to be on this committee. Ms. Haley Brooks made a motion to rescind the Board of Selectmen appointment to this
committee. Mr. Morrison seconded the motion. The vote was 4 yes. This vote
changes the makeup of the committee to be in compliance with
Massachusetts General Laws, which supercede any Town Bylaws or Board of
Selectmen votes/decisions.
So, how did selectmen business become Advisory Committee business? Which kind of makes my point, I was informing the general public of this and at the same time correcting the bogus information that dave smart put out in a comment on a blog. This item was indeed selectmen business because again, it did not go to Town Meeting, it did not go to Advisory Committee nor did it go to the Planning Board.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee
posted by Jeff Bennett
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
Approved at meeting on 6.27.16
Templeton Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton
Monday, June 13, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Board of Selectmen: John Caplis, Diane Haley Brooks, Doug Morrison, John
Columbus, and Julie Richard; and Town Administrator, Robert Markel, were in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. (five selectmen present out of five)Police Chief contract-adjusted back to a 3-year contract as bob checked with town counsel and it is not legal to approve more than a 3-year contract unless it goes to town meeting. Ms. haley brooks made a motion that we send a letter regarding the tree at the housing authority to our state rep Susannah Whipps Lee and Senator Gobi signed by the chairman of the board. Mr. Morrison seconded the motion. The Vote was 5 yes. Ms. Richard abstained.
How is there 5 selectmen present, one abstains (does not vote) and you end up with five yes votes??
Did Bob Markel or Holly Young vote?
So it seems police chief Mike Bennett misspoke at Town Meeting back in May when he stated that the selectmen could appoint him for life if they wanted to. Seems like that would be up to Town Meeting rather than the selectmen. These are approved minutes! Which begs the question again, do selectmen read what they sign and do they understand what they vote on?
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee
posted by Jeff Bennett
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
The comments part of this blog are turned off for now. Little dumb shit (DS) will now have to go elsewhere to rant. This will be in effect until the AG's office answers my several questions. The information will continue here, including criticism of the selectmen! Since I can only warn and cannot dictate to anyone what they may read, I cannot stop nor will I know if any other Advisory Committee member reads what I post.
For the record, no resignation from the Advisory Committee by the four named individuals as asked for the the Board of Selectmen. One would think they (the selectmen) would consider resigning since they have failed in over three years to hire a full time experienced and qualified Town Administrator. We know from the audit presentation, those same selectmen failed to hire/appoint a full time, experienced and qualified Treasurer/Collector. (even as one such individual was already employed by the Town, who is covering those duties now.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee
posted by Jeff Bennett
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
If criticizing, questioning, commenting or talking about any government entity is political speech, it would be protected speech.
Something that came up during the Citizen's United Supreme Court case:
Majority opinion[edit]
Justice Kennedy's majority opinion found that the BCRA §203 prohibition of all independent expenditures by corporations and unions violated the First Amendment's protection of free speech.[25] The majority wrote, "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."[26]
Justice Kennedy's opinion also noted that because the First Amendment does not distinguish between media and other corporations, the BCRA restrictions improperly allowed Congress to suppress political speech in newspapers, books, television, and blogs.[5] The Court overruled Austin, which had held that a state law that prohibited corporations from using treasury money to support or oppose candidates in elections did not violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The Court also overruled that portion of McConnell that upheld BCRA's restriction of corporate spending on "electioneering communications". The Court's ruling effectively freed corporations and unions to spend money both on "electioneering communications" and to directly advocate for the election or defeat of candidates (although not to contribute directly to candidates or political parties).
The majority ruled that the Freedom of the Press clause of the First Amendment protects associations of individuals in addition to individual speakers, and further that the First Amendment does not allow prohibitions of speech based on the identity of the speaker. Corporations, as associations of individuals therefore, have free speech rights under the First Amendment. Because spending money is essential to disseminating speech, as established in Buckley v. Valeo, limiting a corporation's ability to spend money is unconstitutional because it limits the ability of its members to associate effectively and to speak on political issues.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee
posted by Jeff Bennett
Friday, July 28, 2017
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
As a selectmen, one of the things I did was to put together/gather the information that eventually became the local written policy or guidance for the Board of Selectmen. This policy was brought to the selectmen by a selectmen, it was discussed by the selectmen and was voted on and accepted by selectmen. It did not go to town meeting, it did not go to the Advisory Committee, it did not go to the planning board. The policies and procedures for selectmen was handled completely by selectmen. Now if the current selectmen would read those pages and follow them or change them, perhaps there would be no more criticism of the selectmen for failing to follow their own procedures. GTH (get the hint), follow the policy that was adopted by the Board of Selectmen, have some respect for the office and set the example, especially if you as a sitting selectmen are going to write, vote and enact other policies that you, a selectmen, will expect others to follow.
There is a policy and procedure document in place, created and voted on by selectmen, for selectmen for guidance, that did not end simply with another election cycle. One of the items in that policy has to do with the agenda is a Town Administrator report. The agenda is the responsibility of the chairman. With that item regularly missing from the agenda and with it still being within the policy and procedure document for the selectmen, it is possible for the criticism of the selectmen for failing to follow their own policies even as they move on with writing more policies that they presumably expect others to follow.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Board is responsible for policy development, review for compliance. The Board
works with the Town Administrator on policy formulation.
Board is responsible for supervising all departments of the general government
other than school organizations of the town and the region. This responsibility
is delegated to the Town Administrator and the Board will refrain from
involvement in day to day operations. Concerns and questions about operation of
departments, and suggestions for improvements should be addressed to the Town
Administrator. The responsibility for addressing these issues is thus carried
out through the Town Administrator. Selectmen may be called upon to resolve
disputes that are unable to be resolved on the staff level. The Selectmen may
follow up on concerns or issues addressing these approved policies.
previously voted by the BOS, remote participation will follow the guidance
presented within the Open Meeting Law Guide from the Attorney General. Reasons
for remote participation are personal illness, personal disability,
emergencies, military service or geographical distance such as private sector
employment situations.
The Board appoints a Town Administrator who
functions as the Town’s Chief Administrative Officer. The primary duties of the
Town Administrator shall be the day-to-day administration of the general
government as outlined in the position’s
job description. The Town Administrator shall also assist and work under the
direction of the Selectmen in the formulation of policy. The Town Administrator
must maintain a close working relationship with all members of the Board.
He/she shall regularly brief the Board on all important issues.As a selectmen, one of the things I did was to put together/gather the information that eventually became the local written policy or guidance for the Board of Selectmen. This policy was brought to the selectmen by a selectmen, it was discussed by the selectmen and was voted on and accepted by selectmen. It did not go to town meeting, it did not go to the Advisory Committee, it did not go to the planning board. The policies and procedures for selectmen was handled completely by selectmen. Now if the current selectmen would read those pages and follow them or change them, perhaps there would be no more criticism of the selectmen for failing to follow their own procedures. GTH (get the hint), follow the policy that was adopted by the Board of Selectmen, have some respect for the office and set the example, especially if you as a sitting selectmen are going to write, vote and enact other policies that you, a selectmen, will expect others to follow.
There is a policy and procedure document in place, created and voted on by selectmen, for selectmen for guidance, that did not end simply with another election cycle. One of the items in that policy has to do with the agenda is a Town Administrator report. The agenda is the responsibility of the chairman. With that item regularly missing from the agenda and with it still being within the policy and procedure document for the selectmen, it is possible for the criticism of the selectmen for failing to follow their own policies even as they move on with writing more policies that they presumably expect others to follow.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM: Carter Terenzini, Town Administrator
RE: Administrator’s Weekly Report
DATE: July 27, 2017
CC: All Departments
Important Notice To All Departments
If you have procurement questions, you are urged to consult with this Office ASAP.
(That would be the office that split contracts in order to avoid bids and such)
(That is included in the management letter from the auditors)
Highway Department: The crew observed a piece of specialty equipment by Johnston on Thursday. The item was a Sweeper combination catch basin cleaner. The new technology was great to see and the combo of uses was especially intriguing. Then on Friday we visited the Gardner DPW to see their sign making facility and discuss stencil materials that are longer lasting. The people @ Gardner DPW were very informative and supportive. We will use many new ideas going forward into FY2019 as for FY2018, the materials have been purchased and work already begun using the other method. Completed sweeping for the year and will begin road side trimming. Crosswalk and stop line painting is in-process and will continue as weather permits. The mechanic had to address some emergency issues with larger equipment as well as work on one of the COA vehicles.
(Perhaps Templeton will follow Gardner's lead on pot holes as well)
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Thursday, July 27, 2017
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
Reading a newspaper s few days ago, I noticed there may not be a clear easy path to a shared Town Administrator. The two articles seemed to be telling two different stories, I mean it is the Gardner News, so anything is possible, but the subject seemed to be a tad murky. If the selectmen cannot seal the deal and the present part-time Town Administrator departs, perhaps there is a Templeton department head in place who could handle the job; that would be Templeton Municipal Light department manager John Driscoll. Since they do things right over there and it is a well managed department, seems like a logical question/consideration. Of course, that is a decision up to the selectmen.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
Reading an article in today's Gardner News causes me to ponder a question; If a member of the Gardner City Council were to write a letter to the editor on a subject that is or has been before them, would that constitute an open meeting law violation? I mean it is possible and plausible that other city council members could read the article which may contain the writers opinion. According to that article, "the expression of an opinion on matters within the body's jurisdiction to a quorum of a public body is a deliberation, even if no other public body member responds." That could be read to mean, if a councilor writes a letter to the editor, no other councilor may read the newspaper. Even if they have a yearly subscription. I suppose the same could be said for face book as well. Blogs, or any online medium. What if a councilor does a radio show and expresses an opinion on a matter before the council or has been before the council? Would the above mean that anyone who serves by appointment, election or volunteer may not read face book, read a blog, read a newspaper or listen to a local radio station for fear they might violate the law. I have to wonder if this was the intent of the Open Meeting Law to begin with? I thought I read somewhere the "new" law was to promote open governance and stop back room deals. It was suppose to be about transparency, but I wonder if the article may really center around those who were elected and now do not wish to be questioned or challenged or heaven forbid, be called names. I would offer up an opinion, but someone may find that offensive and report me to the thought police. I mean, I know they read this. To bad Templeton does not have a full time Town Administrator, of course the selectmen would actually have to spend time on that one, you know at their meetings.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Reading an article in today's Gardner News causes me to ponder a question; If a member of the Gardner City Council were to write a letter to the editor on a subject that is or has been before them, would that constitute an open meeting law violation? I mean it is possible and plausible that other city council members could read the article which may contain the writers opinion. According to that article, "the expression of an opinion on matters within the body's jurisdiction to a quorum of a public body is a deliberation, even if no other public body member responds." That could be read to mean, if a councilor writes a letter to the editor, no other councilor may read the newspaper. Even if they have a yearly subscription. I suppose the same could be said for face book as well. Blogs, or any online medium. What if a councilor does a radio show and expresses an opinion on a matter before the council or has been before the council? Would the above mean that anyone who serves by appointment, election or volunteer may not read face book, read a blog, read a newspaper or listen to a local radio station for fear they might violate the law. I have to wonder if this was the intent of the Open Meeting Law to begin with? I thought I read somewhere the "new" law was to promote open governance and stop back room deals. It was suppose to be about transparency, but I wonder if the article may really center around those who were elected and now do not wish to be questioned or challenged or heaven forbid, be called names. I would offer up an opinion, but someone may find that offensive and report me to the thought police. I mean, I know they read this. To bad Templeton does not have a full time Town Administrator, of course the selectmen would actually have to spend time on that one, you know at their meetings.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee.
posted by Jeff Bennett
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
Shame on them selectmen:
• 48 hours ahead. Meetings cannot be “continued” in order to avoid additional posting. OML 2011-34
I wonder if that includes recess the meeting?
posted by Jeff Bennett
Shame on them selectmen:
• 48 hours ahead. Meetings cannot be “continued” in order to avoid additional posting. OML 2011-34
I wonder if that includes recess the meeting?
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee.
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.
I think the selectmen are cooking spaghetti, they keep throwing it against the wall until it sticks and then they will believe it is done! A message for the chair, as in the big cheese, center city; this ain't the army, I am not going anywhere and neither is this blog.
I am wondering when the selectmen will listen to the people, they voted for a town administrator. The DOR/DLS has said the town needs a full time professional, the auditors said the same thing. Something about transient management and how it creates problems. Hopefully the people in Winchendon will give their selectmen the message, keep our town manager in town full time. Then perhaps the selectmen will put their time to something constructive and do what the people told them to do,what the auditors said needed to happen, what the DOR/DLS has said the town needs to do, hire a full time professional to manage the town.
posted by Jeff Bennett
I think the selectmen are cooking spaghetti, they keep throwing it against the wall until it sticks and then they will believe it is done! A message for the chair, as in the big cheese, center city; this ain't the army, I am not going anywhere and neither is this blog.
I am wondering when the selectmen will listen to the people, they voted for a town administrator. The DOR/DLS has said the town needs a full time professional, the auditors said the same thing. Something about transient management and how it creates problems. Hopefully the people in Winchendon will give their selectmen the message, keep our town manager in town full time. Then perhaps the selectmen will put their time to something constructive and do what the people told them to do,what the auditors said needed to happen, what the DOR/DLS has said the town needs to do, hire a full time professional to manage the town.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Blast from the past:
I am a pain in the ass and an equal opportunity call it as I see it and not politically correct. I try everything I can think of to get people involved. Facts, figures, laughs or piss em off. It does not always work but I keep trying. As I posted, I am going to try to get some people's attention on important things.
Thanks for responding, as you are the only one (selectmen) to do so. and now I have some more information.Bennett
Sent from my iPhoneHi,Good for you starting a blog to make citizens aware of what's happening. I was researching a project and just happened to see this and I don't know why it came up so I was reading and came across this:Reading a recent article in the Gardner News, it appears some members of the building committee may have slept during past meetings. Selectmen Haley Brooks could be one of them; Haley Brooks voiced concern about people flying up the road, going 50 mph. Well, when the traffic pattern was being discussed at a few meetings about the school, it was disclosed that Templeton police chief, fire chief and highway superintendent all were in favor of the traffic going up Wellington Road and coming down South Road, as they felt this the safest. Where was the concern for speed when this project was being sold? Perhaps too much cheer leading at that time rather than discussion of these concerns? Haley Brooks again concerned about lack of street lights, again, where was all this concern back last summer when the planning meetings were happening? Where was this concern at the November special town meeting vote for the school? Haley Brooks again concerned about the new playground at the current site, again, this was covered in past meetings, but if you have such great concerns, where were the questions at the town meeting? My first thought is either someone likes to see their name in the newspaper or after the project gets passed, with someone's very loud voice in support, suddenly wishes to be seen as a big champion of the local folks. My question is , where were these concerns during the planning phase of the project? Another item is not too long ago, there was a quote in the Gardner News from Haley Brooks, saying how the new Massachusetts DOT complete streets grant program was money that could fix up the streets around the new school so what is all the sudden worry now? The residents that are now raising all the fuss need to be asked the same questions; where were you during the planning phase? Where were you at special town meeting? Where were you at the ballot box? I notice not much concern voiced by Haley Brooks over the money being spent on many changes brought on by school personnel, so lets admit that the project passed, at least a million dollars has been spent on it so far and the project is going to be built and down the road, it will be a nice addition to the area. Does Haley Brooks think traffic will slow down if the new school is not built there? There does not seem to have been much concern for the lack of street lighting to date so why now? Either park to police officers there all day or the folks that drive those roads need to slow down because signs, lights and a couple of traffic bumps are not going to do the job. I would much rather have had my selectmen have a contract for 50 million dollars looked at by the Town's attorney rather than argue about street lights after the fact. Those are easily fixed, just have the Templeton Light department install street lighting after the school is built. As in people can see the night light generated by the building, then decide how bright they want their neighborhood to be at night in the future.
Jeff BennettPosted by Jeff BennI would rather you have a conversation with me. I don't read the newspaper or the blog and if I do it's because I want to be sure I am seeing all sides of a story. I could care less if my name is in the paper and what I am quoted as saying as Tara is not one to quote or even get a story right.I am not asleep at the wheel and I do my best to pay attention. I try to have my head wrapped around all I can to make informed decisions. Again, I am one of the only board members that tries to go to all I can. I will always be in favor of the school as it's going to build our community back up over time and that is a fact as I can see it happening in Athol and part of that is due to the mall.I am also one of the only board members that is truly connected to our community, has an amazing relationship with employees and department heads, and help in every area I can. I wish I had more time to devote, but I don't.I lived on South Road and it was a speed trap. Have you ever looked at things many times and all of a sudden something dawns on your once you see it again and BAM you go...oh my what about this. Well, I take time to process things and that is how I am.I really do appreciate all sides of a story and all sides of an argument. I like to hear from the residents and I would rather be mentored than cut down.I don't normally respond to negativity but I wish we would work toward working together and not be portrayed in that light. I would never do that to anyone.I will do my best to continue to learn all I can, be involved and speak up when I feel it is needed even if my questions seem to late, to little or to lax.I take the needs of this town seriously.Thank you Jeff.
Diane Haley Brooks, Realtor
Jackie Leger Real Estate![]()
Phone: 978-630-3600
Mobile: 978-430-2751
Address: 362 Elm Street, Gardner MA 01440
posted by Jeff Bennett
Monday, July 24, 2017
Town Vehicle Fuel update:
Upon looking back through the Budget versus Actual documents, provided by the Town Accountant, show numbers that do not match Town Meeting appropriations and transfers made both at Town Meeting and end of year financial transfers. This is why it is important for the end of the year financial transfer information to be included in a Committee's report for the annual town report.
The Budget versus Actual document dated September 12, 2016, shows Town Vehicle Fuel as having an appropriation of $100,000.00. The Budget versus Actual document provided by the Town Accountant dated November 7, 2016 shows an appropriation of $80,500.00, due to transfers done at the October 20, 2016 special town meeting.
The Budget versus Actual document provided by the Town Accountant shows Town Vehicle Fuel having an appropriation of $80,500.00 and the Annual Town Meeting of May 13, 2017, article 1, shows transfers from Town Vehicle Fuel in the amount of $3,500.00 to inspection services, a transfer from Town Vehicle Fuel in the amount of $5,000.00 to group insurance expense and a transfer from Town Vehicle Fuel in the amount of $2,500.00. So, $11,000.00 was transferred from Town Vehicle Fuel. With the Budget versus Actual dated May 11, 2017 showing an appropriation of $80,500.00 and with the transfers from Town Vehicle Fuel on May 13, 2017 totaling $11,000.00, and the Budget versus Actual document dated June 29, 2017, that was provided by the Town Accountant, shows an appropriation of $73,000.00?
This should not bother me because the audits are completed and now we have good numbers. Remembering that the audits were presented on April 25, 2017. Besides, asking questions concerning this item might be seen as being disruptive, causing trouble and getting in the way of moving forward. Oh, wait, I forgot, we have turned a corner!
posted by Jeff Bennett
Upon looking back through the Budget versus Actual documents, provided by the Town Accountant, show numbers that do not match Town Meeting appropriations and transfers made both at Town Meeting and end of year financial transfers. This is why it is important for the end of the year financial transfer information to be included in a Committee's report for the annual town report.
The Budget versus Actual document dated September 12, 2016, shows Town Vehicle Fuel as having an appropriation of $100,000.00. The Budget versus Actual document provided by the Town Accountant dated November 7, 2016 shows an appropriation of $80,500.00, due to transfers done at the October 20, 2016 special town meeting.
The Budget versus Actual document provided by the Town Accountant shows Town Vehicle Fuel having an appropriation of $80,500.00 and the Annual Town Meeting of May 13, 2017, article 1, shows transfers from Town Vehicle Fuel in the amount of $3,500.00 to inspection services, a transfer from Town Vehicle Fuel in the amount of $5,000.00 to group insurance expense and a transfer from Town Vehicle Fuel in the amount of $2,500.00. So, $11,000.00 was transferred from Town Vehicle Fuel. With the Budget versus Actual dated May 11, 2017 showing an appropriation of $80,500.00 and with the transfers from Town Vehicle Fuel on May 13, 2017 totaling $11,000.00, and the Budget versus Actual document dated June 29, 2017, that was provided by the Town Accountant, shows an appropriation of $73,000.00?
This should not bother me because the audits are completed and now we have good numbers. Remembering that the audits were presented on April 25, 2017. Besides, asking questions concerning this item might be seen as being disruptive, causing trouble and getting in the way of moving forward. Oh, wait, I forgot, we have turned a corner!
posted by Jeff Bennett
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Attention K Mart shoppers and those people who seem to think they know what my intent is when I write certain things, well, you know the saying about what happens when you assume . . . .So when you see something like GTH posted, if the first thing you think of is "go to hell" perhaps you have a problem. GTH = Glad To Help or Good To Hear, Great to hear, Gate To Heaven.
or my favorite; Get The Hint, No, you cannot compel me to resign, I will not go, it will not happen, GTH or for those challenged individuals, Get The Hint, not going anywhere!
posted by Jeff Bennett
or my favorite; Get The Hint, No, you cannot compel me to resign, I will not go, it will not happen, GTH or for those challenged individuals, Get The Hint, not going anywhere!
posted by Jeff Bennett
RE: Request for extension to respond to complaint
Dear Mr. May:
On July 20, 2017, our office received your request seeking an extension of time for the Templeton Advisory Committee ("Committee") to consider its responses to two complaints that allege violations of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-25. The complaints were originally filed with the Committee by John Caplis on July 17, 2017.1 In your request, you state that a quorum of the Committee is not able to meet within the fourteen-day period to respond to the complaint. With the hope that the parties involved can use the additional time to reach a mutually agreeable resolution of the complaint, our office hereby grants the request for an extension pursuant to 940 CMR 29.05(5)(b). Please send the Committee's responses to the complainant by Wednesday, August 16, 2017, and forward copies of the complaints and the responses to our office.
Please contact the Division of Open Government with further questions.
Sincerely, Jonathan Sclarsic
Assistant Attorney General Director, Division of Open Government
cc: John Caplis (By mail)
Templeton Advisory Committee (By mail)
Perhaps the Division of Open Government is hoping the two groups can just sit down and say to each other, we do not like your attitude toward us and right back at you. We agree we both disagree on many things, so lets have the Division of Open Government come to town hall and hold a training session and call it a day. Sounds promising but just how likely, time will tell. One thing is for certain, the four members of the Advisory Committee whose resignations were "asked for" by the board of selectmen, all four members have said "NO". So, sometime in August or September perhaps, there will be a determination from somebody on this mess. In the mean time, I hope there is a budget schedule in the works that improves upon the timeline from the past few years. Can Templeton have a budget or spending plan completed by March 31 so Templeton residents can get a look at it before stepping into Town Meeting? Is that possible? Could that be a goal of the selectmen this time around?
posted by Jeff Bennett
Dear Mr. May:
On July 20, 2017, our office received your request seeking an extension of time for the Templeton Advisory Committee ("Committee") to consider its responses to two complaints that allege violations of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-25. The complaints were originally filed with the Committee by John Caplis on July 17, 2017.1 In your request, you state that a quorum of the Committee is not able to meet within the fourteen-day period to respond to the complaint. With the hope that the parties involved can use the additional time to reach a mutually agreeable resolution of the complaint, our office hereby grants the request for an extension pursuant to 940 CMR 29.05(5)(b). Please send the Committee's responses to the complainant by Wednesday, August 16, 2017, and forward copies of the complaints and the responses to our office.
Please contact the Division of Open Government with further questions.
Sincerely, Jonathan Sclarsic
Assistant Attorney General Director, Division of Open Government
cc: John Caplis (By mail)
Templeton Advisory Committee (By mail)
Perhaps the Division of Open Government is hoping the two groups can just sit down and say to each other, we do not like your attitude toward us and right back at you. We agree we both disagree on many things, so lets have the Division of Open Government come to town hall and hold a training session and call it a day. Sounds promising but just how likely, time will tell. One thing is for certain, the four members of the Advisory Committee whose resignations were "asked for" by the board of selectmen, all four members have said "NO". So, sometime in August or September perhaps, there will be a determination from somebody on this mess. In the mean time, I hope there is a budget schedule in the works that improves upon the timeline from the past few years. Can Templeton have a budget or spending plan completed by March 31 so Templeton residents can get a look at it before stepping into Town Meeting? Is that possible? Could that be a goal of the selectmen this time around?
posted by Jeff Bennett
On snow & Ice spending and Town vehicle fuel.
The Budget versus Actual document from the Town Accountant, dated May 11, 2017 shows an allocated amount of $80,500.00, and the Budget versus Actual document dated June 29, 2017 shows an allocated amount of $73,000.00.
I believe the original appropriation or allocated amount from Town meeting was for $100,000.00 for Town Vehicle Fuel. That is what the Budget versus Actual document from the Town accountant dated September 12, 2012 shows. The November 7, 2017 Budget versus Actual shows allocated for Town Vehicle Fuel as $80,500.00 after several transfers from Town Vehicle Fuel at the special Town Meeting of October 20, 2016. As the winter season approaches and the main job of the highway department is about snow and that involves using fuel for all the trucks, selectmen propose and voters approve the use of Town vehicle fuel dollars to pay for Unemployment compensation ($10,000.00), Council on Aging Director ($9,500.00), which takes the amount for town vehicle fuel from $100,000.00 down to $80,500.00. It would seem the statement from the selectmen concerning the FY2017 budget being proper, correct and balanced at the Annual Town Meeting was not so!
So, next, the selectmen by way of the Town Administrator proceed to "charge" fuel to the snow & Ice account rather than to use the Town Vehicle Fuel account, as I would think most if not all people at Town Meeting think would be done. (More just moving money around rather than having a real budget based on financial history and good financial forecasting - can you say DLS)
Now, the selectmen proposed and it did happen, to take $12,500.00 from Town Vehicle Fuel account to help pay for the snow & Ice deficit, which the selectmen helped increase by "charging" fuel rather than using monies appropriated by Town Meeting for Town vehicles fuel. Yep, seems this group of selectmen have not learned much - as in keep doing the same thing over and over but expect different results is .... It would seem this group of selectmen are continuing the same old same old, even as they have lessons to use that show what not to do. In my opinion, of course.
posted by Jeff Bennett
The Budget versus Actual document from the Town Accountant, dated May 11, 2017 shows an allocated amount of $80,500.00, and the Budget versus Actual document dated June 29, 2017 shows an allocated amount of $73,000.00.
I believe the original appropriation or allocated amount from Town meeting was for $100,000.00 for Town Vehicle Fuel. That is what the Budget versus Actual document from the Town accountant dated September 12, 2012 shows. The November 7, 2017 Budget versus Actual shows allocated for Town Vehicle Fuel as $80,500.00 after several transfers from Town Vehicle Fuel at the special Town Meeting of October 20, 2016. As the winter season approaches and the main job of the highway department is about snow and that involves using fuel for all the trucks, selectmen propose and voters approve the use of Town vehicle fuel dollars to pay for Unemployment compensation ($10,000.00), Council on Aging Director ($9,500.00), which takes the amount for town vehicle fuel from $100,000.00 down to $80,500.00. It would seem the statement from the selectmen concerning the FY2017 budget being proper, correct and balanced at the Annual Town Meeting was not so!
So, next, the selectmen by way of the Town Administrator proceed to "charge" fuel to the snow & Ice account rather than to use the Town Vehicle Fuel account, as I would think most if not all people at Town Meeting think would be done. (More just moving money around rather than having a real budget based on financial history and good financial forecasting - can you say DLS)
Now, the selectmen proposed and it did happen, to take $12,500.00 from Town Vehicle Fuel account to help pay for the snow & Ice deficit, which the selectmen helped increase by "charging" fuel rather than using monies appropriated by Town Meeting for Town vehicles fuel. Yep, seems this group of selectmen have not learned much - as in keep doing the same thing over and over but expect different results is .... It would seem this group of selectmen are continuing the same old same old, even as they have lessons to use that show what not to do. In my opinion, of course.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Saturday, July 22, 2017
How the selectmen and Town Administrator budget and plan????
A financial transfer request dated June 29, 2017 to transfer $12,500.00 from town vehicle fuel to help pay for the snow & ice deficit. Within the general ledger printout for snow & Ice are bills from Huhtala Oil Co. totaling $24,585.84.
So, charged off under the guise of snow & ice is fuel for the trucks and within the budget versus actual document from the town accountant is a fund for town vehicle fuel. It shows $73,000.00 appropriated with $52,312.97 used and $20,687.03 left. That document is dated June 29, 2017.
The game: Town meeting (registered voters) are asked for an amount of money to pay for fuel for town vehicles and the people approve it. Then the selectmen and town administrator "charge" all fuel used during the winter storms. They then use money from the town vehicle fuel account to help pay that "charged" stuff off. I think most people can and do understand keeping track of what is spent on snow removal but I think the game of moving money around is an attempt to show there is more money available than there really is. That is what I think turns people off and is one of the reasons the voters are reluctant to give more of their tax dollars up. They simply do not trust the people who are spending their money; too many games, too many curtains.
The Templeton Advisory Committee submitted it's report for the 2016 annual Town report and included were many financial transfers, that are not shown anywhere else in that report. Unfortunately, someone in the selectmen's office decided not to include that information in the annual town report. That information will now supposedly be included in the financial supplemental report due out later this year, we shall see!
posted by Jeff Bennett
A financial transfer request dated June 29, 2017 to transfer $12,500.00 from town vehicle fuel to help pay for the snow & ice deficit. Within the general ledger printout for snow & Ice are bills from Huhtala Oil Co. totaling $24,585.84.
So, charged off under the guise of snow & ice is fuel for the trucks and within the budget versus actual document from the town accountant is a fund for town vehicle fuel. It shows $73,000.00 appropriated with $52,312.97 used and $20,687.03 left. That document is dated June 29, 2017.
The game: Town meeting (registered voters) are asked for an amount of money to pay for fuel for town vehicles and the people approve it. Then the selectmen and town administrator "charge" all fuel used during the winter storms. They then use money from the town vehicle fuel account to help pay that "charged" stuff off. I think most people can and do understand keeping track of what is spent on snow removal but I think the game of moving money around is an attempt to show there is more money available than there really is. That is what I think turns people off and is one of the reasons the voters are reluctant to give more of their tax dollars up. They simply do not trust the people who are spending their money; too many games, too many curtains.
The Templeton Advisory Committee submitted it's report for the 2016 annual Town report and included were many financial transfers, that are not shown anywhere else in that report. Unfortunately, someone in the selectmen's office decided not to include that information in the annual town report. That information will now supposedly be included in the financial supplemental report due out later this year, we shall see!
posted by Jeff Bennett
Friday, July 21, 2017
Do the selectmen actually read things they sign and/or vote on? This is a serious question as I read the two open meeting law violation complaints the board of selectmen filed against the Advisory Committee.
On one complaint, selectmen write/state "Farrell, Bennett and Bartolomeo have had great exposure to the open meeting law. Given this and their lengthy public service, we consider their violation of the statute to be intentional. Given Mr. May's relatively short service, we do not believe his violation to be intentional."
On the second complaint, these same selectmen write/state "The BOS request the resignation of Farrell, Bennett, Bartolomeo and May for their gross negligence and intentional violation of the open meeting law. This recommendation is based off initial response of notification by selectmen Fortes of a complaint by three of the individuals with harassment, threats and intentional disregard of open meeting law and further dissemination of the material being discussed in violation of the open meeting law upon his blog site."
First, I find not such blog and secondly, which is there selectmen, intentional or not? Do you all know what that word means? Ya'll seemed to have strung a bunch or official sounding words together, but did ya'll read them before sending? The selectmen seem to put about as much thought into this subject as they did the FY2017 budget/spending plan.
Oh, selectmen, on your request for my resignation, the answer is NO, as in GTH.
posted by Bennett
On one complaint, selectmen write/state "Farrell, Bennett and Bartolomeo have had great exposure to the open meeting law. Given this and their lengthy public service, we consider their violation of the statute to be intentional. Given Mr. May's relatively short service, we do not believe his violation to be intentional."
On the second complaint, these same selectmen write/state "The BOS request the resignation of Farrell, Bennett, Bartolomeo and May for their gross negligence and intentional violation of the open meeting law. This recommendation is based off initial response of notification by selectmen Fortes of a complaint by three of the individuals with harassment, threats and intentional disregard of open meeting law and further dissemination of the material being discussed in violation of the open meeting law upon his blog site."
First, I find not such blog and secondly, which is there selectmen, intentional or not? Do you all know what that word means? Ya'll seemed to have strung a bunch or official sounding words together, but did ya'll read them before sending? The selectmen seem to put about as much thought into this subject as they did the FY2017 budget/spending plan.
Oh, selectmen, on your request for my resignation, the answer is NO, as in GTH.
posted by Bennett
Templeton Board of Selectmen & Zoning Board of Appeals Joint Meeting Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton Monday, July 24, 2017, 6:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Call the Meeting to Order 2. Potential Request for Executive Session-M.G.L. c.30A, Sec. 21-3, to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. 3. Adjournment The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent it is permitted by law. THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Templeton Board of Selectmen Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton Monday, July 24, 2017, 6:30 p.m. Agenda 1. Call the Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Meeting Minutes~ 5.30.17, 6.27.17, 6.28.17, 6.29.17, 7.10.17 4. New Business: a. Action RE: Presentation of Hometown Hero Award b. Discussion RE: South Road-Joe Dimucci c. Action RE: Waiver of First Refusal-37 Old Mill Lane, DayMill d. Action RE: DPW Bids e. Action RE: IMA/TM Subcommittee f. Action RE: OML Update g. Action RE: Gift to Police Department h. Discussion RE: Monthly Financials (C.Fortes) 5. Old Business: a. Action RE: Town Website Project (C.Fortes) 6. Public Comment 7. Board & Staff Member Comments & Reports 8. Potential Request for Executive Session 9. Adjournment The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent it is permitted by law. THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE
posted by Jeff Bennett
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Looking at the Templeton snow & Ice general ledger printout, there was $19,000.00 spent at Brookside Equipment sales. $13,,050.00 spent at Whitney & Sons, inc. which is a company that specializes in repair and parts for screening, crushing and conveying systems. Templeton does own a small screening plant used to "make winter sand" and then there is Schmidt Equipment co. for $5,000.00 and that is a John Deere dealer. Templeton highway does have a John Deere excavator.
Later there will be a posting of the breakdown of items and the totals spent under snow & ice deficit spending. An interesting item is the town fuel fund.
Has anyone ever seen a bulldozer at the city of Gardner sand pit off route 101? Has anyone ever seen a screening plant at the Gardner DPW area off route 2A? Does anyone think Graves sand and gravel re-screens sand in the winter? I think if anyone checks, you would find that no they do not. Could be they are smart enough not to waste time and dollars doing that. Probably doing the logical step, digging into the pile and if the top layer is frozen, set it aside, as it will not spoil and will crumble on a warmer day to be used, without the added cost and labor to re-screen it. Seems to reason that if you have 3 plus years of sand there, you should not need to spend the time and money doing what nature will do for you for free later.
There is still the question of why Templeton still has three loaders. Does anyone remember Bud Chase stating that the two old loaders were worn out and too costly to repair, so the Town needs a new loader, that was bought out of chapter 90 monies (road funds) yet those two "old" loaders could be seen in the video of the town's sand pit cruising around just like the new one. My first thought is, if those two loaders are that old and worn out, is it a safety issue and a legal liability to keep them around? Especially with a town employee who says he is licensed to operate them, states they are old and unreliable. Seems like that is testimony enough to put the town in legal jeopardy. Just a thought.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Later there will be a posting of the breakdown of items and the totals spent under snow & ice deficit spending. An interesting item is the town fuel fund.
Has anyone ever seen a bulldozer at the city of Gardner sand pit off route 101? Has anyone ever seen a screening plant at the Gardner DPW area off route 2A? Does anyone think Graves sand and gravel re-screens sand in the winter? I think if anyone checks, you would find that no they do not. Could be they are smart enough not to waste time and dollars doing that. Probably doing the logical step, digging into the pile and if the top layer is frozen, set it aside, as it will not spoil and will crumble on a warmer day to be used, without the added cost and labor to re-screen it. Seems to reason that if you have 3 plus years of sand there, you should not need to spend the time and money doing what nature will do for you for free later.
There is still the question of why Templeton still has three loaders. Does anyone remember Bud Chase stating that the two old loaders were worn out and too costly to repair, so the Town needs a new loader, that was bought out of chapter 90 monies (road funds) yet those two "old" loaders could be seen in the video of the town's sand pit cruising around just like the new one. My first thought is, if those two loaders are that old and worn out, is it a safety issue and a legal liability to keep them around? Especially with a town employee who says he is licensed to operate them, states they are old and unreliable. Seems like that is testimony enough to put the town in legal jeopardy. Just a thought.
posted by Jeff Bennett
At last nights meeting of the Templeton Advisory Committee, discussion concerning the Perpetual Care funds and the monies involved. A member of the committee was instrumental in getting these records, which the Cemetery Commissioners had been trying to get so they could see what the numbers (money) showed so they would know what is what and how much is in each fund. A member of the Cemetery Commission was in attendance and was thankful for the work of the Advisory Committee and for bringing this forward to the attention of the residents of the Town of Templeton. This was accomplished through the efforts of Bev Bartolomeo and should show the residents of the Town that members of the Advisory Committee tries to keep the residents informed on financial matters. Sometimes that involves asking questions that, well, sometimes it seems there are those who wish those questions were not asked.
This information should not be that hard to obtain. That information should flow from Town Hall like water from a fountain. That would be good governance and open, transparent and really for the people. With that in mind, Advisory Committee discussed and agreed to work on a report format for Town Meeting concerning financial matters that the Committee feels should be available to Town Meeting, before the meeting, so people can be informed, if they so choose. Perhaps this year, the selectmen can get the budget process moving earlier, with the audits now completed and "good numbers" available, the process should be able to begin earlier, to the benefit of the residents.
posted by Jeff Bennett
This information should not be that hard to obtain. That information should flow from Town Hall like water from a fountain. That would be good governance and open, transparent and really for the people. With that in mind, Advisory Committee discussed and agreed to work on a report format for Town Meeting concerning financial matters that the Committee feels should be available to Town Meeting, before the meeting, so people can be informed, if they so choose. Perhaps this year, the selectmen can get the budget process moving earlier, with the audits now completed and "good numbers" available, the process should be able to begin earlier, to the benefit of the residents.
posted by Jeff Bennett
TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM: Carter Terenzini, Town Administrator
RE: Administrator’s Weekly Report
DATE: July 19, 2017
CC: All Departments
Weekly Report: Weekly Report: I have some excellent news to share on the elementary school project. As you know there were some modest redesigns required to address changes in the energy code. As you also know we had the cost estimator run new numbers to see where we stood given this redesign and the one year delay. The OPM reports that “We are confirmed that estimates are positive overall and the project remains on target slightly under the original budget with the added year of inflation and the added SMMA and OPM costs. We plan to keep the add alternates as originally anticipated in the bid documents to allow the district to add elements if desired and have the safety of the FF&E if bids were to come in significantly over budget.” I’ve been working with counsel on our litigation matters as you will see on 07/24. I’ve provided comment on the several IMA drafts and have started a Transition Memorandum for Mr. Hickey.
Administration & Finance:
Town Accountant: Nothing to report this week.
Treasurer/Collector: Nothing to report this week
Public Works Highway Department:
Highway personal assisted the water department with some excavation on Prospect Street. A flashing “STOP” sign was placed @ the end of Barre Road where it meets Dudley Road. Many accidents have occurred and this is part of an effort to keep the public safe. Some catch basins addressed for blockages and the lines flushed to clear debris. Cold patching done on South Road. Narragansett parking lines were re-painted and the Baldwinville Elementary. Sweeping should be complete by the end of this week. One of the COA vans is in the process of being repaired for power steering issues, and is expected to be available by 7/21/17. H7 is back in the fleet. H23, the bucket truck is in the process of being torn down and engine rebuilt.
Buildings & Grounds: The director has been compiling info for the Tomb grant. Trimming and mowing was done @ Green Lawn and Pine Grove. Prepared area for a funeral in Green Lawn cemetery. The crew assisted at the Senior Center in setting up for an outside event. Picnic tables and trash barrels were supplied. Picked up materials at Graves concrete and Agway for use in the cemeteries and commons. All common areas mowed and trimmed and the trash emptied. General maintenance to the lawn tractors and other equipment.
posted by Jeff Bennett
FROM: Carter Terenzini, Town Administrator
RE: Administrator’s Weekly Report
DATE: July 19, 2017
CC: All Departments
Weekly Report: Weekly Report: I have some excellent news to share on the elementary school project. As you know there were some modest redesigns required to address changes in the energy code. As you also know we had the cost estimator run new numbers to see where we stood given this redesign and the one year delay. The OPM reports that “We are confirmed that estimates are positive overall and the project remains on target slightly under the original budget with the added year of inflation and the added SMMA and OPM costs. We plan to keep the add alternates as originally anticipated in the bid documents to allow the district to add elements if desired and have the safety of the FF&E if bids were to come in significantly over budget.” I’ve been working with counsel on our litigation matters as you will see on 07/24. I’ve provided comment on the several IMA drafts and have started a Transition Memorandum for Mr. Hickey.
Administration & Finance:
Town Accountant: Nothing to report this week.
Treasurer/Collector: Nothing to report this week
Public Works Highway Department:
Highway personal assisted the water department with some excavation on Prospect Street. A flashing “STOP” sign was placed @ the end of Barre Road where it meets Dudley Road. Many accidents have occurred and this is part of an effort to keep the public safe. Some catch basins addressed for blockages and the lines flushed to clear debris. Cold patching done on South Road. Narragansett parking lines were re-painted and the Baldwinville Elementary. Sweeping should be complete by the end of this week. One of the COA vans is in the process of being repaired for power steering issues, and is expected to be available by 7/21/17. H7 is back in the fleet. H23, the bucket truck is in the process of being torn down and engine rebuilt.
Buildings & Grounds: The director has been compiling info for the Tomb grant. Trimming and mowing was done @ Green Lawn and Pine Grove. Prepared area for a funeral in Green Lawn cemetery. The crew assisted at the Senior Center in setting up for an outside event. Picnic tables and trash barrels were supplied. Picked up materials at Graves concrete and Agway for use in the cemeteries and commons. All common areas mowed and trimmed and the trash emptied. General maintenance to the lawn tractors and other equipment.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Checking on Veterans service officers/agents.
Please contact the Records Access Officer:
Claudia McKelway
General Counsel
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Veterans' Services
600 Washington Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Claudia McKelway
General Counsel
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Veterans' Services
600 Washington Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Tel: 617-210-5785
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Veterans' Services
600 Washington Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
fax: 617-210-5755
Department of Veterans' Services
600 Washington Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
fax: 617-210-5755
Secretary Francisco Ureña
Chief of Staff: Mike Rigas 617-210-5779
To contact Secretary Ureña, please contact Dora Agyare at 617-210-5767
Looking at Secretary Urena and his bio, he is a Marine Corps veteran. Since there are some rules for veteran service officers/agents to follow, such as being "certified" within three years of appointment, there should be records of that and in my opinion, people, especially veterans, need to see who is and who is not certified.
The results of this search will be posted here at a later date. Since it is a state agency and probably ties to the feds, it may take a while but there is plenty of time.
posted by Jeff Bennett
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Jeff bennett
Today, 6:20 AM
Good Morning Ms. Handy;
Just letting you know Templeton selectmen have taken the advice of the DOR, sort of; they have entered into a BAN for the five million and have spent approximately 1.4 million on the deficit with regards to that project, with plans to pick up construction in or around December of this year. I have to wonder if the selectmen read or heard that part in the audit report about borrowing five million dollars but not spending it. Guess that went out the window right after you all left the building in June.
You will be glad to know that a budget versus actual report dated June 29, 2017 shows a deficit for the E911 grant fund in the amount of $22,905.00. I am sure the E911 grant administration will be thrilled to hear how Templeton takes care of those funds.
Jeff Bennett
A concerned Templeton resident
Just letting you know Templeton selectmen have taken the advice of the DOR, sort of; they have entered into a BAN for the five million and have spent approximately 1.4 million on the deficit with regards to that project, with plans to pick up construction in or around December of this year. I have to wonder if the selectmen read or heard that part in the audit report about borrowing five million dollars but not spending it. Guess that went out the window right after you all left the building in June.
You will be glad to know that a budget versus actual report dated June 29, 2017 shows a deficit for the E911 grant fund in the amount of $22,905.00. I am sure the E911 grant administration will be thrilled to hear how Templeton takes care of those funds.
Jeff Bennett
A concerned Templeton resident
Finally, the open meeting law complaints from the board of selectmen to Advisory Committee have arrived, electronically even. I guess the excuse of short staffing from the chairman of the select board does not apply in this instance. The complaints signed by it appears the signature of John Caplis dated July 17, 2017. I will return the favor first by sending an email to the DOR informing them of Templeton over spending and of the 5 million dollar BAN or bond anticipation note being used on the school project. The elementary school fund now, or as of June 29, 2017, shows a balance of $3,726,439.00. Guess that advice from the DOR about not spending that 5 million went out the window along with the selectmen's policies and procedures document, which the Advisory Committee had nothing to do with. Time for the email machine to be fired up with another message to MJ Handy about Templeton finance.
Oh, about that call for my resignation from the Advisory Committee, shove it! Pound Sand! GTH! or to keep it real simple - NO
posted by Jeff Bennett
Oh, about that call for my resignation from the Advisory Committee, shove it! Pound Sand! GTH! or to keep it real simple - NO
posted by Jeff Bennett
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Paul CosentinoSeptember 30, 2015 at 4:37 PM
Not one Question from the Speculator in chief Mr. Jeff Bennett
TEMPLETON — Paul H. Cosentino Sr, 77, of 364 Patriots Rd, Templeton, died peacefully on July 9, 2014 in his residence after a long illness.
So how does a deceased person post anything on his blog after his death?
The following should explain it:
thats for you do!
A simple email to show who you are and not some person looking to cause problems for this blog.
Mike you also need to contact me please.
You are not on file under Mike to coment. As administrator i need valid emails to contact all who comment.
Those who don't are believed to have multi nic names to cause trouble.
So if not just send em now boys!
So as the above shows, the conclusion is little davey is in charge over at Pauly's Templeton Watch blog and is responsible for its content and postings. Responsible, as in perhaps not the actual writer, but responsible. (in my opinion anyways)
Truth be told, I do not know who does what nor who posts what on davey's blog, it all seems to be posted under Paul Cosentino sr., who we can see died in 2014. We can also see who is in charge over there.
You can look at the following posts from my blog, which I started after little davey said I had to get "in line" or there would be one less administrator on this blog." Since I do not do ultimatums and threats well, I started this blog, based on a printed item I occasionally published under Templeton Watch. Copies could be found down at Pauly's garage.
So not to confuse anyone with the facts, I started this blog in part because little davey does not tell me what to write or say. Too much time and space wasted on little davey so enjoy this and to all comment posters, just ignore little davey, he is a little obtuse sometimes:
Obtuse, which comes to us from the Latin word obtusus, meaning "dull" or "blunt," can describe an angle that is not acute or a person who is mentally "dull" or slow of mind.
A simple email to show who you are and not some person looking to cause problems for this blog.
Mike you also need to contact me please.
You are not on file under Mike to coment. As administrator i need valid emails to contact all who comment.
Those who don't are believed to have multi nic names to cause trouble.
So if not just send em now boys!
as always, this has been posted by Jeff Bennett
Again, I started this blog because little davey does not dictate anything to me.
Friday, September 25, 2015
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